Wise Home Builders

by | Mar 2, 2011 | Marriage

Proverbs 14:1
The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.

Do you realize that we, as women have a choice as it relates to the health and wealth of our homes…  We can either intentionally build our homes with our actions, attitudes and words?  OR we can foolishly tear it down with our actions, attitudes or words.

God intends for us to WISELY build our homes.  Building takes EFFORT.  It does not always happen by accident.

One way we can be a wise home builder is by creating our homes to be havens – a place that is peaceful, restful and to enjoyed by all. Our homes should be a place where it’s safe for our families to let down their guard and be themselves.  A place where family members are loved unconditionally and cared for.  A haven is also a place where there’s good food to eat.  My friend Ellen has told me on many occasions that her ministry to her husband and 3 boys is done mainly in the kitchen.  She always has good food on hand that everyone enjoys.

A wise home builder plans meals that most everyone likes.  This is often difficult, but when you have a picky eater – find at least one thing you can serve you know they enjoy.
As women, much of the harmony in the home depends on us. Our attitudes – happy or joyful affects everybody else’s mood in the house.  If choose to be joyful – our family will follow our lead.  If we choose grumpiness and a complaining heart – watch and see what comes out of your children’s mouth…

A older, wiser friend once told me, “If your husband is continually grumpy, you need to evaluate the love bank.”  In other words, when was the last time you lit the candle?  

Keeping the home fires burning is big way of building a strong connection with our husbands. This connection can permeate harmony through the rest of the home bringing: joy, peace, security…instead of strife and discord.

Lastly, we, as women, are the heart of the home.  The small and big decisions we make can impact our husbands and children.  For example, if we over book our calendars, our children and spouse will FEEL a lack of harmony in the home.

On the flip side if our children’s calendar is loaded with sports and extracurricular  – this too affects the harmony in the home.   A wise home builder finds balance between too much and not enough. (Not enough can often lead to excess in video games; internet use etc…  which personally drives me crazy!)

A wise woman must be intentional.  Building takes effort.  Tearing down takes little to no effort.  We can’t always go on auto pilot with our families – if we do – we may be tearing down not intentionally wisely building.


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