Crowns of Beauty

Isaiah 61:3,
To bestow on them a crown of beauty… They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor!

Mother/Daughter is one of the sweetest events of the year.  It’s an awesome event for moms and their daughters.  This year the retreat will be on Sept. 27-28 at the Homewood Suites in Cary.  It’s for girls grades 4th – 7th.   It’s a meaningful time together while exploring what God says about subjects relevant to your daughter and parenting in this season. You will not want to miss it!




I will be leading the General Sessions.  Let me give you a sneak peak…

Using Jesus’ parable of the sower, I’ll compare God’s Word to a seed planted in our hearts and teach the importance of spending time in God’s Word DAILY. To illustrate the lesson, each mother/daughter will be given a pot, soil, and seeds to plant. In order for the flower to grow, they’ll need to nourish the seeds with plenty of water and sunlight. As they do, a beautiful flower will begin to grow.

So it is with us. When we take time to nourish the seeds God plants within us, He’ll enable us to:

  • Respond in new ways to difficult people and situations.
  • Use words for wholesome talk rather than critical and hurtful comments, gossip, lies, swearing, and inappropriate jokes.
  • Be gentle, kind, considerate, loving and sweet-tempered.

When we, as God’s girls, spend time with Him each day in His Word, He makes us beautiful from the inside out – enabling us to be beautiful displays of His splendor in a dark world.

There’s so much more I could share – and I haven’t even touched on the “moms-only” and “daughters-only” breakout session topics – – but I don’t want to overwhelm!  Needless to say, this year’s retreat is going to be rich!

    1. Check out our website for more information and register by August 30th to enjoy early-bird pricing.
    2. Share this email with moms and grandmothers in your sphere of influence. I promise it will be life changing.

Don’t miss out on the fun!

By the way, this is the t-shirt design;)  SUPER CUTE!

Author: Tara