Moms are on Assignment from God

2 Peter 3:18,
“…grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Suzi McDuffee kicked off our Parenting Forum with a talk titled: The High Call of Parenting.  She helped us to see that we, as moms, are on assignment from God.   We’re on assignment:

  • to teach our children
  • to love our children
  • to leave a legacy for our children.

First, our teaching assignment.   We, as moms, are called to nurture our child’s spiritual growth.  Our goal should not be to just develop smart students or good athletes or hardworking, law-abiding citizens (all of which are good).  But our assignment is to raise children to know Jesus personally for themselves. 

NO EASY TASK, especially if you’ve got a middle-schooler  or high schooler who’s running from God.

But we (as parents) must understand that we are the ones who have the greatest influence in our children’s lives.  Not the school, the church, not even their friends – but us – their parents.  With that, we must be intentional about using our influence wisely.

Some of the practical suggestions Suzi shared:

  • We have to develop our own passion for God.  It starts with us!
  • Talk about God.  Connect Him to the activities in their lives.  Connect answered prayer.
  • Make going to church a priority.
  • Pray at meals; Pray as a family.
  • Teach your child to have respect for authority.  When they respect authority, they will ultimately learn to respect God’s authority in their lives.  Teach them the principles of giving and tithing.
We’re also on assignment to LOVE our children.  Some of the practicals here:
  • Encourage them
  • Ask God to give you creative ways to connect with your kids individually.
  • Be available for them to talk to you when they’re willing to open up
  • Provide a safe harbor for them.  Home needs to be a safe, encouraging place.  Also, if possible, help them establish relationships with grandparents and extended family.
  • Do things together as a family.

Suzi suggested incorporating a family night – once a week or once a month.  Plan a yummy meal; play a board game; watch a movie; ride bikes; take a walk; go to a ballgame.  Bottom line – kids love repetitive activities done as a family.  It gives them security and makes them feel loved.

Third, she challenged us to carefully consider our legacy.   What do you want your kids to remember about you at the end of your life?  (GREAT QUESTION!)

  • That we were too busy to spend quality time with them?
  • Too distracted to engage their hearts?

She really challenged us:

  1. To evaluate our schedules and priorities.  If we’re too busy to connect with or to pour into our children due to ballgames, extra-curricular,  or work, than we’re too busy.  Reevaluate our schedules.
  2. To make God our passion.  This passion will overflow to our children.
  3. To determine to pass the baton of faith to the next generation.

Suzi was the first in her family to come to Christ.    She came to Christ as an adult.  In fact, she had grown up under New Age teaching.

But three years after coming to Christ,  through prayer, her young boys came to faith.  Several more years later, her husband came to faith.   Continuing in prayer, her mother and father eventually came to faith in Christ.  THEN her sister.  Then her brother.

Soon, because of the prayer perseverance of this ONE WOMAN, the baton of faith was passed to the children in these families.   Suzi’s willingness to not give up in prayer, but to believe God was hearing her – even on hard days –  resulted in MANY coming to faith in her family.

It started with ONE.  ONE WOMAN who was determined to make a meaningful difference.

Be encouraged – YOU TOO can be that woman.  It starts with a passion to know God personally.  This passion turns to prayer –  praying to a prayer hearing, prayer answering, miracle working God!

Next Post:  Moms are on Assignment to Pray


Do you want to see Suzi’s Outline?  Print it off HERE
It’s full of rich Scripture!  (Page 2-4)

Our next awesome event?
Luncheon:  Next Friday February 19th
“What’s Love Got to do with it?”

Speaker:  Crystal Robert
Crystal Roberts

Have you ever looked to other people or things to fill your love tank only to come up empty?  Don’t miss next week’s luncheon!

Click HERE for a full description and registration


Author: Tara