“One Woman Prayer”

by | Mar 27, 2024 | ONE WOMAN, Prayer

Over the next few weeks, our blogs will expand upon key messages heard from our speakers at
the recent “One Woman” conference. In preparation, today KGM volunteer Ellen Stevens offers
a prayer of reflection from the conference. As you read the prayer and upcoming blogs, consider
how the Holy Spirit may be prompting you to respond.

Father, we have been in your presence all day. You have sown into our hearts, beautiful words of
life from your Word, the Bible. Help us to be mindful of all the wonderful instruction given and
to pay attention to the condition of our hearts.

Psalm 16:11 says, “You make known to us the path of life…You fill us with joy in your
presence.” We ask that you allow the seeds of truth given today to sink deeply and grow roots.

Debbie Wilson shared that we are to know our shepherd’s voice and to be on guard to the
enemy’s lies. He attempts to steal, devour and deceive us. The DARTS are intended for
destruction, but Jesus is our Tower of Safety. We are to take every thought captive and run to
Him. For He alone is our Deliverer, our Advocate and our Shield.

Dr. James Banks encouraged us with his testimony as the father of a prodigal, along with his son
Geoff, that hope lies ahead! We are not alone. Jesus loves our prodigals more than we do. We are
to wait, watch and pray in God’s strength and keep bringing our sons and daughters to Jesus. For
only He can rescue them.

Tara Reeves reminded us that we are born with a hole in our heart, and only Jesus can plug the
hole. What should we be seeking? …only Christ who fills our hearts with a greater revelation of
who He really is. He assures us that He takes delight in and rejoices over us with singing.

Tara Furman reminded us to be that One Woman of influence… to know the truth by spending
time with Jesus every single day. When we do, Jesus will renew our minds and speak into our
circumstances. He wants us to speak and live the truth and not be paralyzed by insecurity and
fickle emotions. For He is our living water!

We are thankful for Denita Thomas and Kelly Hollis sharing their powerful testimonies. We
appreciate Allison and Melissa, who joyfully led us through our day, and for Shawn and Jess, our
anointed worship leaders.

Thank you, Jesus, that you are enough in our weakness so that the power of Christ rests upon us.
You have built us up, strengthened us and refreshed our hearts today. We know that in this
messy life that God is in control.

Father, the great privilege in life is to know you, to value you above all else, and to worship no
other but Jesus. When we seek to know you, the Bible is clear that we begin to experience your
love (Romans 5:5), hear your voice (John 10:27), and feel your peace (II Thess 3:16). We can
partner in your purposes (I Peter 2:9), experience your freedom (Romans 6:4), and rest in your
presence (Psalm 16:11).

Father, you have stirred our hearts to pursue knowing you – for You have said, “Seek My face,” my hearts says to you, “your face, Lord, do I seek.” (Psalm 27:8). May your love and nearness be our highest joy.

May you and I be that One Woman who listens well to follow you, Our Savior Jesus.

See the great memories made at One Woman 2024 HERE!

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Living Out Faith in Our Ordinary, Everyday Lives

Speaker: Allison Cain

Wednesday, April 10, 2024


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