Becoming A Woman of Influence

by | Aug 10, 2017 | God's Greatness, Spiritual Growth

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Proverbs 31:30
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” 

This past spring, I had the honor to speak in a church on Mother’s Day morning.  They asked if I would speak on the subject of Deborah from Judges 4:6-7.

At first glance, I thought this would be a short message.  There’s very little written about her, but as my team and I began to dig, we uncovered a very interesting woman.

In short,  I’ve got a woman crush on Deborah now!   She has even become the topic and inspiration of my message at the August Luncheon!

But first, let me tell you a little about Deborah:  Talk about a strong alpha woman!  History records show she was both a prophetess and a judge.   More notably, Deborah is the only judge to hold the distinction of both prophet and judge.  In Israel’s history, men typically held positions of power both politically and spiritually.  But during this generation, Deborah held these offices.


  • Deborah was married.  She was known as Labidoth’s wife.
  • She was childless.  Although she referred to herself as “Israel’s Mother.”

I find it interesting that Labidoth was not known as Mr. Deborah.  This tells me that despite her stature politically, in the home, she was a woman who followed God’s order.

  • Deborah seems to be the only one in her generation who was spending time with God.
  • She was a woman of courage, conviction, and confidence.

People were drawn to Deborah.  They came to her for advice and for wisdom.

  • Deborah was a mentor, a role-model, an encourager;
  • She inspired others to know God and to live for Him.
  • She was the quintessential Proverbs 31 woman minus the children.  (However, she lived before Solomon wrote Proverbs.)

At the Lord’s command, Deborah inspired one man to put together an army to fight the Goliath of their day.  At the time Israel was out-powered; out-manned; outnumbered.

But because Deborah knew God; had established a relationship with God; she believed God.   She, in turn, influenced one man, who influenced 10,000 to believe God too.  Together they believed that God was bigger, stronger, wiser, more strategic, more cunning than any enemy they faced.

When the day of battle came, they stepped out in faith together. God moved in response to their faith and gave them victory over the enemy.   The conclusion brought Israel peace from her enemies for 40 years.

I feel it is important to note from this account from Scripture how one woman made her relationship with God the priority of her life and ultimately influenced the destiny her generation.

God is the same today.   He wants to raise up Deborah’s today that impact their spheres of influence.Women who:

  • are willing to spend time with God.
  • are willing to do what He calls them to do.
  • are willing to live a life that may look a different than the world around them; and
  • are willing to be conduits of blessing to hurt and dying world.

When we commit to these actions, we can become Deborah’s in our generation.

Join me!  August 24 @ 11:30.   We can be women of influence.   Women who live lives that matter before the God of the Universe.

After all, isn’t that what life is all about?

Luncheon – Thursday August 24th
Register Today!


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