Isaiah 53:4-5, Surely he took up [insert your name] pain
and bore [insert your name] suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
stricken by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for [insert your name] transgressions,
he was crushed for [insert your name] iniquities;
the punishment that brought [insert your name] peace was on him,
and by his wounds [insert your name] are healed.
I remember thinking, “I’ll probably go to hell for this.”
It was a sin that was so egregious. So awful and horrific. How could God ever forgive me?
At the time, I was a born-again believer. A church-goer. (Actually, a pew-sitter would more accurate.) But I had enough Bible in me to know what sin was. And this was a big one.
For years I carried this thing… Living in perpetual guilt and condemnation, I never felt like my prayers were heard. Actually, I’d tell myself that people like me shouldn’t pray. That God wasn’t listening anyway…
But because I wanted the peace my mother had inside and out, I enrolled in her Bible study, Bible Study Fellowship. I reasoned that if I went to Bible study enough, the good would outweigh the bad and I’d be back in good graces with God.
(By the way, this is erroneous thinking. This is not how God operates. In my Biblically illiterate mind, this was reality.)
But suddenly, one ordinary night in December 1997, my reality changed. I heard TRUTH FOR THE FIRST TIME. The Bible teacher was explaining the symbols of Christmas and how they all pointed to Christ and His sacrifice on the Cross.
She began explaining passages of Scripture written by Isaiah and how Jesus voluntarily went to the Cross for me – Tara.
She explained the physical, emotional and spiritual agony He endured for me – Tara.
Jesus died on the Cross for me – to save me from my sins: past, present, future. Big, medium size, small – it’s all sin in His sight. The Cross was for me… and you… And for anyone willing to accept God’s way of being right with Himself.
I left Bible study that night in tears. I kept thinking, “I’m not going to hell after all! He’s took the punishment for me. All I have to do is confess and believe what His Word says confessed sin.”
Later as I laid down to go to bed, I pondered everything the teacher had said. One by one, I gave to Jesus the sins I had been carrying. One by one, I named them. They were weighty and burdensome. Yet like weights falling off my shoulders, I could sense He was removing each one and the guilt that went along with each!
My life has not been the same since. In fact, I can’t help but wonder if the love I have for Jesus today is because He first loved me, though I was so unworthy of His love. As the old hymn, Amazing Grace says, He saved a wretch like me.
He can do it for you too. We serve an amazingly loving God. No matter what you may be facing this Valentines Day, God’s love toward you is unfailing, permanent and able to cover any sin you may feel is too big for Him to forgive.
All you have to do: confess your sin to Him. Name it. Ask Him for forgiveness and to remove the slimy guilt you may be feeling. Ask Him for a fresh start!
- Celebrate that He loved you enough to be pierced for your transgressions; crushed for your iniquities.
- Celebrate that the punishment that brought you peace was upon him.
- Celebrate that by His wounds you can be healed.
- Celebrate that no matter how egregious your sin is, His blood and sacrifice is enough to make atonement for it.(Hebrews 7:37)
- Celebrate that He removes your guilt and condemnation of the sin. (Psalm 32)
- Celebrate that He hurls your sin into the depths of the sea. He even puts up a “no-fishing” sign! (Micah 7:19)
“Who is a God like You, Who pardons sin and forgives our transgressions? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. ” Micah 7:18
So this Valentines Day, celebrate not only those you love, but celebrate JESUS as well!
Tara Furman, Founder & President of KGM
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Growing in your Prayer Life; A Morning or Evening with Tara.
She’ll teach on prayer and take your questions.
More details to come.