For a moment, pretend that you could go back in time, much like Michael J. Fox did in the infamous DeLorean in the movie Back to the Future!
If given that time travel opportunity, have you ever considered what wisdom you might offer your younger self?
In anticipation of the Sept. 13 luncheon and the Mother/Daughter retreat , I’m starting a blog series entitled “Dear Younger Me…” Each upcoming post will feature three pieces of wisdom that one of KGM’s team members would share with her younger self.
Today, I want to introduce you to Allyson.
Allyson is a trusted advisor and integral member of our KGM team who grew up in the front row of a small-town church where she fell in love with God’s Word. It is also where she learned how NOT to behave as an ambassador of Christ and His love.
Her attention to detail is one of her greatest gifts and critical to her role as KGM’s Core Ministries Director. Allyson is well-versed in the Word and an incredible resource for our team in a variety of areas, including how to respond to a challenging email and doctrinal proficiency.
I know you’ll find Allyson’s pieces of advice to her younger self of great value:
- You are so much more than those around you appreciate. Hold your head up, girl. Be confident. Your worth is not found in their approval.
- Surround yourself with people who encourage you and that you can encourage. This world is hard enough without hearing constant criticism. Be the one who finds and expresses the good seen in others and search out friends that do the same.
- Keep seeking God even when others around you are not. He is better than anything this world has to offer. In the end, God is the One Person you can count on in any and all situations. Invest in that relationship and the rest will fall into its proper priority.
Mother/Daughter Retreat – Early Registration Ends August 30th