2 Timothy 1:8,
“So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord…”
In a world where our role models are often times athletes, entertainers, politicians, reality TV or social media stars…
In a world where morals are lacking and integrity is becoming less and less common…
In a world where “right is wrong” and “wrong is right” and pleasure takes priority over morality...
In a world that can shut out or deny God and operate under the assumption that there are no absolutes or moral guidelines…
In a world where the Bible and the people who live it are ridiculed and prayer is treated as a lucky charm…
In a world where what God says seems secondary and those who ascribe to know Him are branded “mentally ill”…
In such a world, ONE WOMAN, who reads, internalizes, and applies God’s Word, can wield significant influence. ONE WOMAN, who truly believes in the power of prayer can witness miracles in her marriage, in the lives around her and in future generations.
ONE WOMAN, who has the courage to live the truth and to take a stand for her godly convictions – even if it means standing alone, can be formidable.
The testimony of ONE WOMAN, living for Christ. is powerful.
You and I can be ONE WOMAN.
ONE WOMAN Relentless Conference for Women and High School Girls
Last Day to Pre-Register: March 5th @ Noon