The Biggest Disaster our Country Faces

by | Apr 30, 2018 | Spiritual Growth

1 Chronicles 7:14,  “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

In the news lately, it seems disasters are coming with greater frequency.  Such words as “unprecedented” or “record-breaking” are often used to describe current events.

Take for example active shootings.  In the last eight months, we have witnessed shootings at a church in Southerland Springs, TX; a music festival in Las Vegas, NV; a high school in Parkland, FL;  and a Waffle House in Nashville, TN.  The uptick is “unprecedented.”

Consider the weather.  From floods, blizzards and nor’ easters,  to abnormally low and high temperatures, our weather of late has been described as “record-breaking.  Not to mention we’ve had three category five hurricanes (Harvey, Irma and Maria) and record-breaking wildfires across the west.

Think about terrorist attacks.  Homegrown attacks are increasing in frequency across our country and world.  I fear we’re starting to see them as common place.

Politics… The underbelly of our political system as a whole is being exposed.   Scandal and corruption are being revealed at the highest levels of government.  It is a devastating breach of trust.

There are others.

Whether disrespect for the office of the Presidency;  rioting in an effort to resist law and order;  disregard for the law and constitution by large organizations; the increase of generational hatred and prejudice; rampant immorality; or record drug overdoses, we are experiencing unprecedented and record-breaking disasters. 

But the biggest disaster of all, in my opinion, is our spiritual unbelief.

Our precious country, founded as one nation under God is witnessing the rise of secularism, atheism and agnosticism.  We have young people who have grown up in the church now rejecting and leaving their faith in record numbers.   As a whole, we are no longer a nation that fears God.   In fact, faith in God has been replaced with defiance of God.

A lack of fear in God is a disaster.
I urge you to take time to pray on Thursday.  Gather with a group.  Or pray on your own.  But  pray.  We, as His people, need to cry out to God on behalf of our country.  (More on this from 2 Chronicles 30 tomorrow).

National Day Of Prayer

THURS, MAY 3 –  Join us for prayer, lunch and fellowship

Prayer at 11:30am – 12:15 | Lunch and fellowship 12:15 – 1:00



KGM Interest Meetings –

TUES., MAY 15 11:30am-12:30pm


THURS., MAY 17 7:00-8:00pm

Learn more about serving with KGM for the 2018-’19 year!    Signup HERE



TUES, MAY 15 – Workshop

Spiritual Warfare, What Does the Battle Look Like?

Next Luncheon – Friday, May 11th


Topic: The Proverbs 31 Woman
Speaker: Gwen Brodd



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