When Sugar-Sweet Turns Sour

by | Jan 30, 2020 | Spiritual Growth

ONE WOMAN is not just a conference, it’s a movement!

Check it out here!

FEBRUARY 29, 2020
Start the new year encouraged and inspired!

ONE WOMAN can make a BIG DIFFERENCE in her corner of the world!

Galatians 5:22-23,
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”


Have you ever noticed it’s often easier to extend kindness and grace to people we know the least?   

Seriously.  We can be sweet as sugar to an acquaintance, offering our time and talents without hesitation – all in the name of Jesus.  But just when we think we’ve mastered being loving, kind, peaceful, gentle, and patient… 

We get home. 

Our guards come down when we walk through our front doors, and dare I say, our true selves surface.  Our happy gets bumped. We don’t get our way. There’s a rub. An annoyance. An irritation. And suddenly, our once sugar-sweet personas turn sour.  Something as simple as agreeing on a restaurant or who gets control of the remote set us off.  

And what often follows is an emotion-filled reaction.

We become harsh, hard, and impatient.   We huff and puff until we get our way.  Or maybe we choose to sulk and give the silent treatment.  We all know that none of these responses are effective. In fact, they only make things worse.  But aren’t they the easiest?

However, when we deliberately (and sometimes painstakingly) choose to apologize or respond in love through gentleness, kindness, patience etc., situations de-escalate, and we impact our families for the better.  

Our responses, in these moments, reveal the quality of our ‘fruit.’  

And it’s in these irritating moments where God refines, sharpens, and challenges us to be better.  To rise above. Be more fruitful. Walk in obedience in the minutia of everyday life, so He can make us more fruitful. 

But we must pause (before reacting!) and recognize these frustrating times as opportunities for Him to work.

This is where ONE woman is born.  It’s where ONE woman embraces walking in obedience with God.  It’s when He empowers her to begin dramatically impacting her home, co-workers, and corner of the world – all with ONE simple reaction or response.

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1

Elizabeth Murphy is winsomely transparent, accidentally funny, and ridiculously creative which shows up in everything she does. She has been a popular Christian speaker for over 20 years using a story telling style to explore Godly truth for daily living with audiences of all ages and stages. She is one of our dynamic speakers at the ONE WOMAN conference.

Learn more about Elizabeth at www.espeaks.net






Friday, January 31, 2020










“Oh, You’ll Snap Out of It…”
Correcting the Misunderstandings of Depression

Speaker: Dr. Leisa Leonard


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