Expectantly Waiting

1 Corinthians 2:9, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.”  

by: Keri Medlin

Let me describe myself.  
Clinical Director
Song leader
Bible study leader
Worrier  “Expectant”

I believe one of my spiritual gifts is encouragement.  I LOVE to encourage others, whether through a note, call, text, gift, prayer, or even my time.  I enjoy remembering small tidbits from conversations with others, and if able, following up on that something meaningful from the interaction. My spirits are lifted as I lift the spirit of another.  

So why can I fully encourage others at any moment but somehow not be able to encourage myself when life gets sticky? 

The answer is simple: I don’t allow myself to be encouraged.  I tend to want control over every aspect of my life.  When stumbling blocks come, I fall over them every time.  If I didn’t plan for an obstacle, I have no action plan. Worry takes over. Did I mention, I am also a worrier?!

I will worry about the unknown until I have more information.  And sometimes I wonder if I even want this information. Ignorance can be bliss, but, by no means, do I feel internal bliss during trying times. When I have a full-blown panic attack, it is a full-body experience.  All of my senses are involved.

But through today’s verse, God reminds me that my teary eyes and worried mind cannot even imagine what His plans are for me.  I need to believe this truth more.

Recently, I’ve encountered new, unplanned hurdles.  Each has allowed me to grow stronger in the Lord as I have put my faith in Him. I know what He wants for me is good because I am a child of God, and I love Him.    

Worrier is a word that I no longer want to use to describe me.   

In 2020, I decided upon a new word: expectant.  I can expect the enemy to bring unplanned problems my way. 

But how I react needs to change. I need to be expectant of God and His will for my life – the big plans God has for me.  

Dear Lord, I’m expectantly waiting for You. And I pray for anyone else who may also be a worrier. That she would understand deep within her core that if she belongs to You, that You have good things planned for her life as well.  Take our lives and mold us into who we are to be in Christ to grow your Kingdom.  We thank You for all You do in every situation.  You are the Author of our stories.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

Author: Tara