2012 Focus: Marriage, Marriage, and more Marriage

1.  Facebook Thursday!
Jump onto Facebook, Thursday, January 5th 
Anytime: 9:30am-11:00am
Knowing God Ministries fan page!
You’ll have an opportunity to win a free Prayer Journal!
2.  As we start the New Year,
Resolve to grow closer in your walk with Jesus!
Join me next week for Prayer Journal Training –
Here on the blog:)
3.  Iron Sharpens Iron – New Online Registration!  Register Now!

2 Peter 1:3

By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life.  We have received all of this by coming to know Him…
Over Christmas, while reading my Chronological Bible, the above verse jumped out at me.   It was sort of a revelation:  How do you know how to live a life that is pleasing to God?   
Answer:  By knowing Him… Better and better…
The goal of Knowing God Ministries is to help people know God personally.  And to help them to live out the Bible on the anvil of everyday life. 
God loves us and wants us to enjoy excellent, abundant, and godly lives – yet He also expects us to learn how to behave. I can think of no greater place where we need help learning to behave than in our homes.  What a training ground our homes are for godly living.    Therefore…
Moving forward,  KGM’s focus with the:  Blog, Iron Sharpens Iron Luncheons, and upcoming Newsletters will fall under one of these 4 categories:
1.  Knowing God Personally in everyday life –
2.  Marriage-
   3.  Parenting- 
4.  Ministry-
Iron Sharpens Iron Luncheon
Marriage, Marriage, More Marriage, 
January 13, 2012 –
See above to register: 
This month at Iron Sharpens Iron, we will kick off the New Year focusing on Marriage.  I will be the speaker for our January 13th luncheon.  I will be sharing my story of how God became real to me through a very difficult time in my marriage.  At the time I was a Sunday morning/Monday night Bible study Christian!  I had dual personalities – one for my church friends and one for my other friends.  Yet little by little, I began applying God’s principles to my marriage, and God showed up big time!!!  I have not been the same since. 
Now let me go ahead and warn you – the upcoming lunches are not for the weak or faint hearted.  Be warned!
February’s main session and workshop – will be focused on marriage.
March – the focus will be marriage.  We will prayerfully evaluate if we proceed in April with more marriage or if we move on.
Each month, we’ll have different speakers speak on a different aspect of marriage.  You will not want to miss a single luncheon.  We meet the 2nd Friday of every month – go ahead and mark your calendars now!
Marriage can be hard.  OK, let me say that again – SUPER HARD.   It’s an area where my behavior can be tested to the extreme.  (I’m quite sure my husband feels the same.)   Yet did you know that Christian divorce statistics are not much different than non Christian divorce statistics.  More than ever, we need HELP!!!  I know that I need it. 
If you are divorced, separated, widowed, or single – don’t think this excludes you!  These lunches are for you too.  Do you have children?  Nieces?  Nephews?  Married friends?  Other women who look up to you?   Come learn – so that you will know how to direct your children/grandchildren and others in living godly lives!
Dont’ forget – grab a cup of coffee and join me on Facebook – 9:30am – Thursday, 1/5/12:)
Knowing God Ministries fan page –
Have a great day!

Author: Tara

  • I can tell that God has been revealing things to you all about what He would have you share. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store and hear the lives being transformed through the power of your obedience.

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