3 Important Announcements- You Don’t want to miss!

Three Important Announcements… 
And a chance to win a free Prayer Journal!
2 Thessalonians 2:11
“May our God count you worthy of His calling, and by his power, may He fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.”   (Italics mine)

Over the break, I enjoyed some really sweet moments with Jesus.  I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned in the coming days and weeks.

Some of the things He impressed upon my heart will take me WAY out of my comfort zone and even as late as yesterday, I was starting to doubt these acts that were being prompted by my faith.

And then this morning in my Chronological Bible, I was reading about Noah.  And God ever so gently confirmed to me through Noah, that the very act of getting onto the ark was an act prompted by his faith.

How?  Think about it for a minute…

Do you realize that when God told Noah and his family to board the ark – it was sunny?  (It had never rained.)    The Bible says that they sat there for 7 days.  I bet Mrs. Noah, would have said, “7 LONG DAYS!”  Can you imagine how Noah must have been starting to feel by day 4?  Day 6?  Was Mrs. Noah starting to give him “the look?”  Were his daughter-in-laws gossiping behind his back about what a nut their father-in-law was?

Regardless of the interpersonal “stuff” going on in the ark, Noah was obedient.  And boy, did God EVER bless that act of obedience.  You and I are here today because of Noah’s obedience.

What is God prompting YOU TO DO???

Just as God impressed upon Noah that it was time to get on the boat, He’s been prompting me in a few areas too.  Here they are!

1.  Facebook Thursday!
I want to interact with you.  I want to make myself available to you – for questions, for conversation or for prayer.  More than anything, I’d love to go to Starbucks with you, but that’s not possible!  So grab a cup of coffee or tea and when you get a chance, jump onto the KGM facebook
page – starting tomorrow Thursday, January 5th. 
from 9:30-11:00.   I’ll be there.  Let’s start an on-line community! 
2.  Prayer Journal Training

Many of you have the Prayer Journal, Intimacy with God.  (Or perhaps you have the old pink version!)  My stomach aches at the thought of it sitting on a shelf because you have no clue how to use it.  This little tool is a treasure!  Other than the Bible itself, THIS was the tool God used to grow me spiritually, more than any thing else.  Next week, I’m going to show you how!

So either in video, written form or both – I’m going to train you on how to use it.  It has made the BIGGEST DIFFERENCE in my walk with the Lord.   It will grow you and strengthen your faith – especially in the hard places of life.

I started this new formatted Journal last June.  Over the break, I spent time reviewing the Thanksgiving section and the Listening section.   Words cannot articulate the blessing it has been.  It has strengthened my resolve for 2012 and has given me greater clarity of God’s will for my life. I WANT THIS FOR YOU TOO!

So, pull out your Journal or purchase one from KGM;  OR PLUG INTO FACEBOOK THURSDAYS for your opportunity to win a FREE PRAYER JOURNAL!

3.  Iron Sharpens Iron Lunches

The lunches have been a total success!  God has exceeded our expectations and given us great vision for moving forward.  We have thought about changing the venue, but until the Lord moves us, we will stay.  With the current venue, the ministry does not have to worry about food prep or food service.  The location is great – as it’s just off a major thoroughfare, making it convenient for many.

However, as we look at ISI for the long term, we have to at least cover our cost. The $16/pp rate is not doing so.  After we pay the room fee, gratuity, taxes, handouts and a modest honorarium for our speaker – some months we barely break even.  One month, 10 people did not show and KGM had to pay for their lunch anyway.

Moving forward into 2012, we will have online registration where you pre-pay.  Also, in order to cover our costs, we will slightly increase the cost to $20 for prepaid registrations and $22 for those paying at the door.

Now think about it, if you eat somewhere like:

  • Red Robin – you will pay ~$15-$17 for lunch, drink, tax and gratuity.
  • Panera will cost you $10-$11 with a drink.
  • Chick-fil-A will cost you between $7-$9 for lunch.   

At NONE  of these places, do you get to:

  • Meet and fellowship with like-minded women –
  • Grow spiritually –
  • Eat a great meal in a 1st class venue  –
  • Learn to pray corporately and become strengthened personally through our corporate prayer time –
  • Hear a speaker that will speak into the practicalities of everyday life – such as marriage and parenting.

Our goal is to bring real-world value to your life by helping you apply the Bible into every area of your life.  You are investing into your marriage, your parenting, your ministry, your relationship with God when you attend these lunches.  We trust that you understand.  FEEL FREE to contact me if you have questions.

These are the acts prompted by my faith – trusting Him to fulfill every good purpose!

Next Posts: 
2012’s Focus and How it Affects You
2011 in Review – Make Room in the Inn in 2012
Are you Haunted By your Past?
Lastly, Funny Jake Stories!  (More on this later!)

Author: Tara

  • How cool is this post! I too am reading the Chronological Bible 🙂 My husband and I started it last year and I trailed off and he finished and I was so impressed I want to push myself and read it for myself and my walk with the Father.

    I am bummed I am not on FB! God prompted me to remove myself after I was spending WAY TOO MUCH time on there and turning to it versus opening my Bible. I hope you share some nuggets on here as well. 🙂

    I would love to take part in the journal training though. It is such a beautiful resource and I treasure it but sometimes wonder if I am uses it to the best of it's benefits.

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