3 Kinds of Friends

James 4:4  NLT

“Don’t you realize that friendship with this world makes you an enemy of God.  I say it again, that if your aim is to enjoy this world, you can’t be a friend of God.”

This may be an “ouchy” today for many of you.  But I can promise you something:  if you want everything in life that God wants for you and you want to grow in your relationship with Him – embrace this message.  If not, go ahead and hit delete.

I once heard author and speaker Elizabeth George say there are 3 kinds of friends.  (These are not her words, but the basic premise is hers.)   

Who we spend the majority of our time with is typically a reflection of who we are.  Please note, I’m speaking about our core friends, those whom we spend the majority of our time.

So, what do your friends look like?  Which kind of friend do you spend the majority of your time?
Is she:

Friend #1: 
One who sharpens you.  She challenges you to come up higher in your relationship with God.  She is someone who you would consider to be your mentor.

Friend #2: 
One who is running right along beside you.  She is at the same place in her walk with the Lord as you are.  She encourages you when you are down or need an extra push.  You do the same for her.  You hold each other accountable.  You are a team.

Friend #3: 
One who brings you down spiritually.  Such friends cause you to embrace worldly desires.  You begin to think, talk, and behave like your friend #3.  She does not encourage your love relationship with Jesus, and, in fact, may make you feel silly for your beliefs or values.  She most likely does not know Jesus or is a “backslidden” Christian.  When you are around her, you backslide into old sin habits.
So, who do you go to lunch with?  Who do you go to the coffee shop with?  Or – watch out – this woman may be your church friend or Bible study friend.  But when you connect with her – the two of you complain, gossip, bash your husbands etc…  Do not be in denial.   She is friend #3 to you.
Do I have you thinking?   I know this may be a hard message – but God wants great things for each of us.  He has a purpose for each of lives and it’s a good purpose. (Eph 2:10)   But the people whom we spend our time can either help us embrace all that God wants for us.  Or they will pull us back…
More tomorrow…
Excerpts taken from Intimacy with God , Establishing a Vibrant Quiet Time

If you live:
1. Near Pennsylvania – I’ll be in Butler, Pa September 15th at their Women’s Conference. Contact Melody Hunter: saintfidelisgu@gmail.com for more.
2. In the North Carolina Mountains in Hendersonville: What a beautiful place to be in the fall!
Sixth Annual Woman of Carolina Conference
Theme: iConnect
September 28-29, 2012
Fruitland Baptist Bible Institute
One Generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. Psalms 145:4
Friday Speaker: Tara Furman www.TaraFurman.com, Knowing God Ministries
Saturday Speaker: Phyllis Foy, North American Mission Board Missionary (Church Renewal)
Early bird tickets are $25 ($30 after September 17th). This includes conference, materials, breakfast, snacks and lunch.
Tickets can be purchased at Carolina Baptist Association by calling 828-693-4274 or iTickets (a 15% convenience fee applies)
Friday 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Breakout Sessions

Author: Tara

  • WOW! It really is black and white, isn't it? Really and truly all friendships would fit in one of these 3. I hold my own self up to these and the truth comes to light. Powerful… Thank you!

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