6 Biblical Benchmarks for Voting on Super Tuesday & Beyond

Proverbs 28:2,
When there is moral rot within a nation, it’s government topples easily.  But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability.

Last summer, my family visited Washington, DC.    Walking around… Visiting the monuments… Reading plaques about the sacrifices that made our country great…   And learning about MANY who had unwaivering convictions –  made me proud to be an American.

However, as I continued to tour,   I found myself becoming discouraged.   Sadly today, there doesn’t seem to be many in Washington with the same fortitude or conviction.   Surrounded by monuments honoring the brave and strong, moral rot seems to be taking over Washington – permeating to the rest of the country.

  • Back room deals seem to be the norm.
  • Party interest seems to be more esteemed then the good of the country.
  • Self promotion seems to be more important than the will of the people.
  • Political correctness has higher regard than the values our nation was founded upon.

Since that trip to Washington, I’ve taken time to learn about the candidates.   As a result, I’m actually excited about this election cycle.   (First in a long time!)  There seem to be people running for President who actually care about the Constitution and “We, the people.”

In last week’s debate, Dr. Carson suggested we, “Inspect the fruit bowl of a candidate’s life.”

Good suggestion.   This is actually Biblical. (Mt. 7:16-17)   While we don’t know a person’s heart, we can inspect the fruit of their past decisions and associations. 

What is the fruit of your candidate’s character ?  What is the fruit of the party platform they represent?   What kind of people have influenced their thinking and core values?  Do their positions line up with the Scripture? 

Below are 6 benchmarks to consider when voting:

  1. Is God honored and acknowledged? Or basically ignored?
  2. Is the sanctity of life valued from the youngest in the womb to the oldest living human being on the planet?
  3. Is the candidate’s stand on marriage according to the Bible:  one man – one woman?
  4. Does the candidate endorse coveting?  Meaning – do they suggest you should have a portion of what someone else has earned?
  5. Does the candidate stand with Israel?  Standing with Israel is a big deal.  God says He will bless those who bless Israel and will curse those who do not.  (Gen 15)
  6. Does the candidate exhibit respect for the Constitution of the United States?  To have blatant disregard for the law is an unwillingness to submit to authority.  There are three branches of government, not one. 

This election is important.  Washington, DC needs a political earthquake more than ever.    I realize only Jesus can be the true Mr. Fix-it.  But for now, many of our basic freedoms are at stake.

Lastly, based on what the Bible says, we’ll have to answer to the Lord one day for how we stewarded the gift of the right to vote.   YES!  Voting is a gift.  So many countries around the world are ruled by dictatorships or monarchs.  What a gift to live in a country where we have a voice in who governs us.

On Super Tuesday, I beg you, take careful consideration when voting.  Please don’t be a low information voter.  Too much is at stake!


Author: Tara