5 Love Languages Workshop

Thank you to everyone who sent Banana Pudding recipes in order to help me speak one of my husband’s love languages!  I’ll make the pudding and post a picture when I do!  (Hopefully Sunday?)  Y’all are so sweet:)

1 Corinthians 13:4-6

Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Our workshop at Iron Sharpens Iron was a continuation from the General Session with tons of PRACTICAL ways to apply the 5 love languages as outlined in Gary Chapman’s book.  The 5 Love Languages can be applied not only in our marriages, but in other relationships as well.

Below are the 5 Love Languages with some of the practical suggestions.  Again, a glimpse into what we learned!

Love Language #1:  Words of Affirmation: 

  • Thank him for going to work each day and earning a paycheck.
  • Admire him – tell him how great he looks in “that shirt.”

Love Language #2:  Quality Time

  • Put aside something in your schedule to make heart to heart connection time with him.
  • Actively find activities that you both enjoy.  Does your husband like to watch football?  Become a football fan and watch it with him.
Love Language #3:  Gifts
  • Ask the Lord for creative ideas.  A creative idea that the Lord gave Suzi one time was a “Coupon Book.”  OK get this – this is good: 
  • In the coupon book she had coupons for a 30 minute back rub (way too long in my book, but again, this woman has been married for 45 years.  Maybe I need to change ‘my book!’); a 15 minute foot rub; and a “wild card.”  Hummmm, I might be afraid to issue one of those.  But again – she’s been married for 45 years.  She must be doing something right!
Love Language #4:   Acts of Service
  • She challenged us with this:  “Why is it so easy to serve other people who may come into your home, but find it almost impossible to serve our husbands.  How do you respond when he asks you to fix him something to drink?”

Love Language #5:  Physical Touch
Suzi told us:
  •  “This satisfies a strong emotional need in a man.  That if you fail to speak this language, your marriage will suffer.”
  • “This particular love language is tied to his manhood…”
“Don’t get stuck with the way your body looks…”
“Let go emotionally and physically…”
“Have him come home for lunch if you have school-aged children…”
OK – that’s it!  I’m blushing just typing this out.  You’ll have to get the CD in order to hear the rest.  And there was more… Much more.   Click HERE to order the CD’s.
Despite my embarrassment  I hope you can see, especially through these last few blog posts, our goal at Knowing God Ministries is offer value to your everyday life with the relevancy of Scripture.
Talk about relevancy…  Guess what next month’s subject is??? 
Pornography – His and Her story –  Don’t miss it!
September 14th – Mark the date.
More later!
Have a great weekend!
Next Post:  3 Kinds of Friends

Author: Tara