6 Principles to Walking on Water, Part 1

Matthew 15:29
So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on water toward Jesus.

Thank you for the comments many of you emailed following my big news last week. Click HERE to read, in case you missed it.    Upon sharing my news, I asked you not look at me as if I had 3 heads.  One of you said, “Tara, you DO have 3 heads:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit!”  (Love it!)

Quick review:  I recently filmed a Pilot Episode for TLC called Submissive Wives. Currently it’s slated to appear May 3rd!

This week, I want to share how this all started…  how God called me out of the boat. 

But instead of making it about me, I want to challenge you to apply the same principles when God calls YOU out of the boat… God wants us to walk by faith and not by sight.  He wants us to take risks in our life journey for His Name sake.  He wants us to walk on the water with Him – bringing great glory to Him and Him alone…

In October of last year, I was contacted by a casting company out of New York to see if I would be willing to interview for a show about submission in marriage.

My first response was to delete the email.  It sounded preposterous!

Yet, I didn’t have any peace in my heart about deleting the email.  

Principle #1:  Listen for peace
“And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts…”  Colossians 3:15a Amplified Version

Peace can be an umpire confirming if something is from God or not.  Yet we should not rely on peace alone. We should ask God for a Word of direction or wisdom or both!.

Principle #2:   Get a Word

The next morning (by the way, it was the morning of October’s luncheon.),  I asked Him about the email and then continued with my reading from the day before.

Suddenly, Jeremiah 1:17-19 jumped of the page –

“Get up and prepare for action.  
Go out and tell them everything I tell you to say.  
Do not be afraid of them, or I will make you look foolish in front of them.  
For see, today I have made you strong like a fortified city that cannot be captured…”

I sensed God was telling me to respond to the casting company’s email – to not delete it.  I sensed He was telling me that He would give me the words to say and was commanding me not be afraid of them.  I even sensed He was promising strength and protection.

Sadly,  I still wasn’t convinced.  (So embarrassed to tell you this, but it’s the truth!)

So I did something I don’t normally do.  I asked for a sign.

Principle #3:  Asking for a sign

Now hear me out, I think it’s fine when we’re young in our walk to ask for a sign, but at some point, we need to start walking by faith and not by sight.   Faith is what pleases God.  (Hebrews 11:6) Continually asking for signs is walking by sight not by faith.

I’m not young in my walk anymore, yet I serve a God of mercy.   This request from the casting company was too big for me to navigate.   I REALLY NEEDED TO KNOW if this was a door God was opening or a trap set by the enemy.

The sign I asked for:  To see any portion of Jeremiah 1:17-19 AGAIN over the weekend…  (I was giving Him 3 days to confirm.)  Either through my pastor’s sermon or something else I would read in my quiet time or written in the sky… Anything!   But I asked to see Jeremiah 1:17-19 AGAIN if He wanted me to respond to the casting company.  I based my prayer on Gideon’s request for sign in Judges 6.

That afternoon following our October luncheon, I lingered and visited with guests.  I soon saw an elderly woman approaching me.  An employee of MacGregor had invited her mother and grandmother to attend our luncheon while they were visiting from Florida.  This 80+ year old lady was kind and encouraging.  But suddenly, while in conversation, she started quoting Jeremiah 1:18-19 verbatim!!!  Word for Word.  

I nearly passed out!  Surely my face must have turned pale and eyes wide in holy fear!

I knew this was the God of the Universe was speaking to me… Inviting me OUT OF THE BOAT to walk on water with Him…

Obedience is the only appropriate response.

How is God calling YOU out of the boat?  How have you responded?

How did these people end up in my home???
More Next Post

Luncheon this past Friday was POWERFUL!
Suzi McDuffee has a soft, sweet voice,

but on Friday, she boldly,  without hesitation,

without apology,  shared what God says about marriage.  And He has a lot to say on the subject!

Oh girl, it was GOOD!  I took lots of notes I’ll share in upcoming posts.

The Q&A that followed was RICH.
Don’t miss these luncheons.  Their too good not to attend.

See Pictures HERE

May’s Luncheon – May 15th is our last for the season!  
Don’t miss it!  Save the Date.  Details to come.

Author: Tara

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