A Clear Conscience

Confession: This is an area of my prayer time that in all honesty, I’d rather skip.   But as we move into the next section of our Prayer Journals – there’s much we can discuss…

Acts 24:16
“So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.”

It always grieves me to think I’ve disappointed my heavenly Daddy.  But the fact is, I do.  I fall short of His standards and expectations every single day.  Sadly, to sin comes far more easily than to do what is right.  Sin disrupts the sweetness of our fellowship with the Lord.  It’s a barrier that stands in the way.

I hope you don’t mind…  But I want to spend this entire week and maybe some of next – on the subject of confession of sin and repentance.  I also want to spend time shining a light on the areas of sin that we may not even be aware, yet are part of the fabric of our beings.   I also want to discuss the subject of “guilt.”

Oh, “to live life with a clear conscience before God and man,” is a verse that’s always before me.  This is not only how we sleep well at night, but maintaining a clear conscience helps keep us out of bondage’s and captivities.

What are bondage’s and captivities?  Any thing that hinders the abundant Spirit filled life that God has planned for us.  A captivity could be:

  • A bondage to lust –
  • Sexual sin –
  • Habitual dishonesty –
  • Bitterness –
  • Unforgiveness –
  • Approval addiction –
  • Doubt –
  • Discouragement –
  • Addiction – to alcohol, drugs, prescription drugs, exercise
  • Fear/unbelief
  • Insecurities –
  • Greed –

The list could go on and on and on…  Do any of these areas strike a cord with you?

Every area of captivity has a starting point.  We can’t allow sin to fester or be unidentified or be in denial.  Sin hinders the quality of our life and the life God has planned for us.

I’m scratching the surface, but do you see the importance of confessing known sin?

Next Post:  Short accounts –

Author: Tara

  • I can't wait to dive into this particular area and especially the topic of guilt. I can admit in my own life I have repented of sins before the Lord, only to still harbor guilt and shame for the very same sin He cleansed me from. I know this is a tough subject, and I will lift you up for strength and wisdom, but it is a message that is DESPERATELY needed to be taught. Thank you so much once again for your obedience.

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