Are you that Jesus Person?

Deuteronomy 32:46-47
“These are not idle words for you [the Bible] – they are to be your life.”

FYI:  I was released from Jury Duty!!!   My civic obligation was not necessary – thank God for answered prayer!

I met with a friend yesterday, and I could tell by her eyes something was wrong. 

I inquired.  She proceeded to tell me that:

  • she had been misjudged –
  • she was not given the benefit of the doubt –
  • she was accused –
  • the list could go on. 

I was infuriated.   My friend’s heart is pure.  Her motives are as well. She was accused of evil and there’s not an evil bone in her body.  And for someone to treat her in this way – I felt like a Mama Bear wanting to grawl at this person that hurt my friend.

And then it dawned on me…  The person that hurt my friend is a “Jesus Person.”   Not only that, but she’s a leadership Jesus person.

The UPS guy
Later in the day, the UPS guy arrived at my house with a shipment of books.  As he was carrying the books to my door, he asked what kind of books were in the box.  Bibles were in the box.  I went on to tell him that I’m a Christian writer and speaker and the founder of a nonprofit women’s ministry called Knowing God Ministries. 

Barely taking a breath I asked, “Do you know God?”

With a funny look and a strong Russian accent he replied by telling me that he was once a Baptist Minister.

He went on to say that he had two degrees from Seminary.  And because of his love of the Scriptures and his determination to preach the Bible, the people in his small town North Carolina church had ran him off – he and his wife.

I wanted to cry for him.  I apologized and prayed silently, “Lord what do I say?”

Deuteronomy 32:46-47 came to mind.  (Thank you Holy Spirit!)

Then I told him, “I too have a love for the Scriptures.  In fact, Knowing God Ministries is founded upon Deuteronomy 32:46-47 which says, ‘These are not just idle words for you [the Bible], they are to be your life,'”

With a smile on his face and tears in his eyes, he said goodbye.

I woke up this morning thinking about the leadership Jesus girl  that had shattered my friends’ heart and the Jesus people who threw out their pastor because he wanted to teach the Bible.

Why do we do this???

If you haven’t made up your mind what you think about God and Jesus and all this religious stuff… And you’ve been offended by “that Jesus Person,”  please give us the benefit of the doubt.  We are not perfect people.

And if you’re reading this, and I have been that Jesus person to you, with all of my heart, I humbly ask you to please forgive me.

“Lord, forgive us when we misrepresent Who You truly are.  Forgive us when we are such a poor representation of Your grace, kindness and forgiveness.  Help us to live our lives in such a way that others want to know our Jesus.”

Keep in mind:  You will never see a fish on the back of my car!  I’m trying… But I’ll surely misrepresent Him if I do.

Message from the Christian Action League of North CarolinaChristian Action League of NC

We are happy to invite you, your friends, family, neighbors, and fellow church members to join us for an exciting event this coming Friday, Sept 21 at Christ Baptist Church in Raleigh. 

Please join us at 7:30pm for “Why the Church Should Vote”!  Every election we struggle over who to vote for and sadly many do not vote – in 2008 17 MILLION evangelical Christians did NOT vote!  If you are struggling with what to do as Election 2012 approaches or if you want to be equipped to minister to those who are, please attend this event!  You will hear from NC Supreme Court Justice Paul Newby, attorney Joe Knott, and Rev. Mark Creech.

For more information, go to:

Author: Tara

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