Big Announcement #2

Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so one man [woman] sharpens another.
In addition to opening our luncheons to all women, we will begin hosting quarterly workshops!  Some of the reasons we have chosen to go the workshop route is:
  • We can begin to offer targeted specific information.  Example:  A workshop geared for Women’s Ministry Leaders:  How to Host an Event or Advertising for your Events etc…
  • To sharpen each other.
  • To grow spiritually.
  • To become prepared to serve Jesus in our corners of the world – wherever that may be!
  • Connecting women with mentorships –
Some of the workshops topics may be on:  Marriage; Parenting; How to Lead a Bible Study in your Neighborhood; Prayer Journaling; Accessorizing Your Closet (we want to be fashionable, but we can’t dress like the hoochie mama!)
Timing –
One of the things we have found over the last few months:  women are lingering past the 1:00 end time.  They love the fellowship! 
Workshops will be held the same day of the luncheon – almost immediately following.
1:30-2:30pm.  We are hoping that women who have children needing to be picked up from school, can still be accommodated.  (Me included!)
February is our goal date for the first workshop.  In order to maintain a standard of excellence, we will probably offer only one workshop that month.  Eventually, our goal is to give you 2 choices. 
This is alot to be excited about!  We hope you are as excited as we are!
One woman last month commented, “that no where has she met women who have a genuine love for Jesus than at Iron Sharpens Iron.”  This woman has connected with women who speak her language.  She looks forward to it every month.  She’s marked her calendar.   
We want to bring women together…To meet like-minded women so that you can grow stronger in your relationship with the Lord and be IMPACTFUL in your home, workplace, neighborhood, school, church, tennis courts, ball fields etc all for God’s glory!
Mark your calendar today!  Our next meeting is:  Friday, December 9th.  11:30am-1:00pm.  MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary, NC.  $16/pp.
Let us know if you want to be on the list to receive the monthly invitations- 
Happy Thanksgiving!

Author: Tara