Change in our Nation

Declaration-20of-20Independence2 Chronicles 7:14
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

This morning in church, I was reminded afresh of the great blessing of living in the United States of America.  A land of freedom, that as a woman, I can wear what I want to wear.  I can become educated if I choose be educated.  I can freely worship in a church of my choosing.  I can live where I want to live.  Even now, my heart overflows with gratitude for our military.  Where would we be without them?

I praise God for allowing me to live in this land.

But to be honest, I’m concerned for our country.  I’m concerned we’re losing our freedoms a little bit at a time.  I’m concerned that we as a nation are drifting ever so far from God in the name of political correctness.

  • We seem to be rejecting God as Creator
  • We seem to substitute what’s right in our own eyes instead of God’s Word as our moral compass
  • Our streets are filled with people marching to insist on their right to do what they please
  • Our government and judicial system advocate laws that guarantee the legal acceptance of sin
  • Television and movies glamorize sinful behavior
  • What is wicked and vile is honored while what is just and right is met with mocking laughter.

Any voice raised in objection is silenced by ridicule and intimidation.

And then as I watch the news…  It doesn’t seem to bother main stream America that four Americans died in Benghazi.  Our government has been lying to us and to the families of the victims as to the exact cause…  All in order for political careers to be protected and advanced.

Where is the outcry?   Why is it met with such indifference?

With increasing measure we have a media that will advance any narrative as long as it advances their political leaning – regardless if it’s true or not.  Why isn’t anyone bothered by this?  Does anyone know the difference?

When I was in grade school, I remember studying what communist countries were like.  As of late, our country feels like what I studied in grade school.  Our country is growing weaker and indifferent to a world that’s out of control.  And it feels like we’re being run by a king with a media of the state.  All the while, we the people, accept whatever is propagandized, never mind the truth.

Until about a month ago, I’d almost given up in righteousness being restored to America.  I felt we were so far gone into the land of p.c. and indifference.

But The Daniel Prayer by Anne Lotz has changed my thinking.  This book has given me hope that maybe, just maybe, God will have mercy on our land and heal it.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  (My italics)

Healing starts with God’s people.

So instead of looking outward, The Daniel Prayer has caused me to take an in-depth look at my own heart.  With my journal open to the “confession section,” I’ve been going through a list of sins that are so easy to over look.

  • Ingratitude
  • Losing love for God
  • Neglect of Bible Reading
  • Love of the world and material things
  • A Critical Spirit

Oh girl, the list goes on… and on.   To make matters worse, Lotz instructs you to carefully go through the list three times.  I’m only on #2.  It hasn’t been pretty and it hasn’t been easy.  In fact, it’s painful.  Actually, it’s kinda humiliating.   But as uncomfortable as this process is, I can say that repentance truly does bring refreshment.  (Acts 3:19)

AND it’s worth it.  Unlike never before, I have renewed passion for God to move in our country.  I want the freedoms I enjoy and even take for granted to be around for my children and grandchildren, (lest Jesus should tarry in returning).  I want to see our country that was founded on faith in God and dedicated to His glory by our first President and the Continental Congress RETURN to Him.

And for the first time in a long time, I believe it’s possible!  Praise be to God!

So on this July 4th, may you too be inspired for real change to take place in our nation.  Get the book and join me in prayer.  And let’s watch God move the heavens and change our nation.


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Author: Tara