Christmas Series #3: Friendships: Do you have an Elizabeth in your Life?

Luke 1:39-40
Then the angel left her.  At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth.

How like God!  In the middle of news with such huge consequences, (discussed yesterday), God recognized Mary’s need for another woman who could relate to her.   

So in His loving kindness, He provided a friend, Elizabeth.  Elizabeth was not only a relative, but a  friend who could speak her language.  A friend who had walked where she was about to walk.  A friend who could share her joy and her belief in the impossible.

Two women – two questionable pregnancies – sure to stir some talk in town! 
Two women – one too old – the other too young. 
Two women – who would forever share a similar bond.  

Truly a friendship orchestrated by God Himself.  It’s such a blessing to see how intimately aware God is of our emotional needs.

Yesterday morning, I met my dear friend Amy for coffee.  I treasure our moments together – as they are far and few between due to our schedules.  Yet, Amy is one of my Elizabeth’s.  

We both have similar callings, yet she’s much further ahead than I.    As one of the Proverbs 31 speakers, Amy travels the country.  She also works directly under Lysa TerKeurst, the founder of P31 as a Next Step Speaking Services Director.   

Amy is able to talk my language.  She’s understands what I encounter and is able to give me helpful suggestions.  She’s also is able to give me perspective about the inside workings of an established, godly, women’s ministry.  We had so much to talk about, that our morning coffee turned into lunch time coffee!
Do you have an Elizabeth in your life?  A mentor of sorts?  God has blessed me with several Elizabeth’s.  (I share several of them with you at our monthly Iron Sharpens Iron lunches!  Our lunches – are a great place to meet Elizabeth’s.  It’s also a great place to be an Elizabeth!)

I remember when I first decided to be more than a 1 hour a week church girl.  I decided that Jesus was going to be my life or nothing at all.  When you make decisions like this – you need Elizabeth’s in your life.  Women who speak your language and will encourage you in your walk.  God provided for me.

I remember when I decided that I was going to be a wife according the God’s instructions – not the culture’s.  I needed Elizabeth’s!  God provided!

I remember when I decided to get out of the boat of my comfort zone and start doing the things God was prompting me to do.  Boy, did I ever need Elizabeth’s in my life.  And faithfully, God provided, yet again.

Where are you in your walk?  Do you have an Elizabeth in your life?  A mentor?  Someone who can encourage you in your walk with the Lord?  If not, pray.  Ask the Lord to send someone to your path.  And then take the initiative to ask them, “Would you be willing to mentor me?”

When you connect with an Elizabeth, your faith; your resolve to stand firm in a godless culture and your boldness for the Lord will soar higher than you will ever imagine! 


1.  Next Iron Sharpens Iron:   Friday, January 13, 2012!  Put it on your calendar now! 
Moving into 2012, our discussions will focus on Marriage.

Perhaps you are single, widowed, divorced, or seperated – these sessions are still for you!  Do you have daughter’s, nieces, granddaughters, girlfriends, or people you minister to?  These sessions include you too!

2.  Are you looking for an end of year tax deductionHeading into 2012, we need your help! 
Knowing God Ministries is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organziation.  Your gifts and donations are tax deductible. 
Your gifts and donations are:

  • helping women become more than a 1 hour a week church girl –
  • helping women become wives according to God’s instructions –
  • helping women see the relevance of Scripture in everyday life – getting out their boat so that they can fulfill their callings!

Your support helps continue these blogs.  Your support helps keep the cost of our lunches low so that we can have an impact on as many women as possible.  Your support provides resources to help other women grow in their relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ.  

Knowing God Ministries
115 Overview Lane
Cary, NC 27511

Author: Tara

  • I read this post a few days ago when it posted and it literally brought me to tears. Oh how precious this friendship was an one honored by the Lord in every way. My prayer is for God to reveal an Elizabeth in my life and also to help me be an Elizabeth to someone. Thank you Tara for being an Elizabeth to us. 🙂

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