Decisions Matter, ISI Recap November

Exodus 20:5
“…for I the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sins of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love Me.”

If you attended ISI last Friday, I KNOW you were blessed, encouraged, inspired…  maybe even convicted!

Phyllis was fabulous.  I’ll give you a recap!

Phyllis and her husband, Bob, both came from very abusive homes.  As a result, they wanted a “Christian home.”  So at 16, they embarked on this journey and soon started a family.

Bob was working, going to school and not returning until midnight.  Phyllis was left at home with 3 kids and began resenting Bob.   That’s when Satan began putting seeds of doubt in her mind by telling her:

  • You don’t deserve this –
  • You can do what you want to do…
  • He’s not romantic enough –

And as Satan operates because he intends to steal, kill and destroy – he sent other women to give her bad advice.

She took it.  And the escape plan was on!

Long story short, “In one hours time, I destroyed 4 people’s lives when I told my husband and children, ‘I don’t love your father anymore.”‘    She then proceeded to tell her children, “choose who you want to live with…”

I’m not sure how long a period of time it was, but she said that she could remember very distinctly riding down the road and hearing the Lord saying, “Turn this car around and go home right now.” 

She heard it twice.

She even looked in the backseat to see if anyone was back there – the voice was that audible in her heart.

Reluctantly, she obeyed.  She turned the car around and went to her own house – ringing the doorbell. (Which she thought was really weird!)

Bob answered the door with tears in his eyes saying, “What are you doing here?”

Phyllis responded by saying, “God told me to come.”

Bob proceeded to tell her, “I’ve been praying since 3 am that God would send me a sign if I were not to proceed with divorce…”

There was not a dry eye in the room!  This woman had us crying one minute; belly laughing the next and cutting our throats with hard truth from Scripture the next minute. 

She shared that the Father will forgive our sins when we repent.  And that He can take what is bad and turn it to good…

Phyllis’ marriage healed and became whole.  Yet she helped us put things in perspective as she shared that the decisions we make will bring consequences  –  whether good or bad.

Her teenage daughter went through tremendous pain as a result of her mother’s decisions.
Her son – turned to drugs. 
Her oldest son – it was so bad, she could not talk about it.

“Every decision you make in your life will affect 5 generations.  What kind of decisions are you making?”

Oh, there was much more!  Get the CD!  Click HERE to order. (Click on August CD – when ordering – indicate you want November’s during the ordering process.)

We had our highest attendance yet -70!

Phyllis is in the middle,
Windy, her daughter on the left and Kaylee, her granddaughter is on the right.
More picture tomorrow!  Or you can visit the Knowing God Ministries Facebook page to see them now!

Author: Tara