Destroy Your Enemies!

“I pursued my enemies and destroyed them, and I did not turn back until they were consumed.
And I have devoured them and shattered them so that they did not rise; and they fell under my feet.”
II Samuel 22:  38-39
Fasten your seatbelt, girlfriend.  Today’s thought is far from my typical artsy, poetic, visual thinking.  It is serious business.  It is a call to arms.
Recently I discovered that one of my favorite psalms of King David is not actually in the book of Psalms:   it’s in II Samuel.  Go figure! (The word of God never ceases to amaze me.)  According to my Ryrie Study Bible, it “is David’s response to God’s goodness in delivering him from his enemies and from the vicious King Saul.”
When I came to the above verses printed above, I said to the Lord, “But God, I don’t want to destroy my enemies, I want to bless them,” and He spoke to my heart:  “Open your eyes, sweet one: You have very real enemies that you must destroy, yes, even devour:  Their names are Fear and Loneliness.”  WHOOOM!
It hit me just like that, and I realized He truly meant for me to go to battle, for these two enemies actually sought to devour and destroy ME, if I did not take them out first. 
“For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,
against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness,
against the spiritual forces of  wickedness in the heavenly places.”
Ephesians 6:12
I asked Him if there were any more enemies that I needed to conquer, and His reply was as precious as it was instructive:  “You already have.  Don’t you see?  Anger, Bitterness and Jealousy have been ‘pulverized. . .as the dust of the earth. . .crushed and stamped. . .as the mire of the streets’ (verse 43)  and have been destroyed from having any power in your life. You’ve done it before – Go do it again!”
My Great Encourager both celebrated me and challenged me to engage in the battle, so today I do the same for you. 
Run to Jesus for your marching orders, girlfriend!  Ask Him to reveal the real enemies in your life.  Ask Him to give you courage by showing you the enemies that already lie at your feet, and then gather these weapons:
  • The Word of God,
  • Prayer,  and
  • Worship.
Once you are so armed, GO DESTROY YOUR ENEMIES!
If we at Knowing God Ministries can pray for you as you engage these enemies  (or point you to sources of scripture or worship), please do not hesitate to comment below or contact us via email.    
One final word of encouragement:  “. . . the battle is the Lord’s. “ (I Samuel 17:47) 
You really aren’t in this alone, after all!

Author: Tara