Does America want God’s Blessing?

Psalm 33:12
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…

In 1776 at our nation’s founding, I believe we were a nation whose God was the Lord.  Look no further than the history books, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.  In fact, the basic premise of many of our laws were founded upon the principles of Christianity.

For example:

The inscription on the top of the Liberty Bell is a Bible verse: Leviticus 25:10 which says, “Proclaim liberty throughout the land and to all the inhabitants thereof.”  (I just love that!)

The final paragraph of the Declaration of Independence says, “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”

However in 2015, I’m not sure we can say that as a nation, our God is the Lord.  Therefore, I sadly do not think the promise of blessing applies to us anymore.

With increasing measure, (seemingly getting worse and worse) God and prayer is pushed:

  • out of town meetings; 
  • out of schools; 
  • out of the public forum and certainly 
  • out of politics all in the name of tolerance and political correctness.
Yet we want the blessings of God, whoever “God” may be to you.
But let’s face it, in politics, media and pop culture as a whole, God’s name is politically incorrect. (Unless of course, you’re using it in vain.  Then it’s okay.)

And the Bible?  You’re looked upon as a kook if you take it seriously.  (Trust me, I know this upfront and personal:)

And the name, Jesus?  The Name given to men by which they must be saved...(Acts 4:12)  The Name that is the only way to the Father… (John 14:6).   Mention His name and watch how quickly the “you offended me” police will attempt to shame you into silence.

What about our moral compass?  The theme of this generation is “to live as we see fit.”  (Judges 21:25)  And to say any behavior is wrong, we are quickly labeled intolerant and judgmental.

What about our friendship with Israel?  The Bible is clear, those who bless Israel will themselves be blessed.  (Genesis 12:3)  Our friendship with Israel is at an all time low since it’s re-founding in 1948. (Very sad to me.  I personally think Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s Prime Minister is one of the most courageous men on the planet considering what his job requires each day.)

Following the 9/11 attacks, I heard Anne Lotz in an interview on CBS This Morning say,  “God is a Gentleman.  He never insists on being where He’s not wanted.  However at the same time, He also removes His hand of protection and blessing.”  (paraphrase)

Does America really want God’s blessing?  The Bible is clear, blessings from the Creator will come when we make Him and only Him, our God.

Be the agent of change in your corner of the world.  
It starts with one… in your family, in your circle of friends, in your workplace; in your neighborhood, in your community.

May your faith walk multiply, so that one day our nation’s God will again be the Lord God Almighty, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea and everything in it.  

Author: Tara

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