Duty? Delight? Expectation is Everything

Hebrews 11:6
Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.
Today’s To Do List
  • Quiet time
  • Exercise
  • Grocery Store
  • Cleaners
For many years, this was how I viewed my quiet time.   It was just one more thing that I checked off my list of things to do.    My quiet time was a religious duty.
If this describes you, I’d would love to share what finally broke this mentality.  My quiet time went from being a duty to becoming the delight of my day.
I cannot emphasize enough – EXPECTATION.  Look back at today’s Scripture.  We must believe that God is real and that He will reward those who earnestly seek Him. 
Reward?   Girl, there’ no greater a reward than the sound of His voice spoken into the depths of your circumstances… 
Tomorrow:    What next?

Author: Tara

  • Thank you again for these precious videos. After the first one, I got up the next morning and made my way to a big chair in our living room and read out of Nehemiah and do you know what the Lord revealed to me? Nehemiah PRAYED and then went about the task of asking to be allowed to rebuild the city. He prayed first. What a message to receive in my first quiet time after your first video and then your second video speaks on praying and expecting. God is so good and He is all over your teachings… 🙂

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