Finding Balance Each Day

First day of school:  Caroline 4th grade; Will 6th (Middle school!)

Jeremiah 6:16 NLT

Stop at the crossroads and look around.  Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.  Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.

It’s been two months since I last posted.   I wish I could say:

  • That I’ve been sitting around the pool, eating bon bons and reading a great book, (I did read ONE great book by the way – I’ll share later) or
  • Have cleaned all of the junk drawers around my house that I had high hopes of cleaning out this summer.   (Of which I have cleaned NONE!)  or
  • Embarked on that project of getting pictures developed from my iPhone and putting them in albums (haven’t done this either)  OR
  • Spent time with friends over coffee that I rarely get to see – (only did this once.)
Carol Davis and I. 
Carol is a radio personality at the Billy Grahams’ radio station, 106.9 located in the mountains near Asheville at The Cove.  Her stories had us belly laughing!  Hilarious!

This was the one time that I had friend time.  Carol, Holly Ladner and Amy Carroll and I sat at NOFO in Raleigh for 3 hours! 

So at the beginning of the summer, I prayerfully asked the Lord to show me balance so that I could peacefully maintain:

  • Kids at home who needed:
    •  activity and friends (we do not have neighborhood friends, so friends are still prearranged) yet
    • down time and creative time without me having to always be the “Cruise Director.”  (My term of what I feel like quite often.)
    • structured time of chores and personal responsibility
  • Keeping a happy, healthy marriage with a man whose office is in the home. 
  • Keeping an orderly, clean, home with food – good food – healthy food – some junk food so that every one’s needs are met.  (Husband included.) 
  • Did I mention the laundry? 
  • Did I mention Jake, the 2 year old,  80lb wonder dog that needs 2 walks/day?
  • And managing the behind the scenes of a baby company (Knowing God Ministries): 
    • Lining up the schedule and speakers for our fall luncheons.  (Our fall line-up is awesome!  Will share more next week.)
    • Carefully and prayerfully adding new team members.
    • And starting the writing of my next Bible study.
Jake, demanding his morning walk as I sat in my quiet time.  “This” is what I was training against!

The Lord gave me peace about letting go of the daily blogging so that I could maintain HIS priorities for my life.

It’s been a great summer!  I’ve spent quality time with my 10 and 12 year old, Caroline and Will.   We’ve played tennis, golf, Wii and have gone to the pool countless times.  Tim and I have had the opportunity to spend quality time with each one alone as the other went to visit my sister who just moved to Myrtle Beach this spring with Chick-fil-A. 

Heather and one of their employees, Jessica.
My sister, Heather and her husband are the Owner/Operators of a CFA in Myrtle Beach.  They’re at the one on 501 across from the Tanger Outlets.  I was there the day “before the storm” – Wednesday, which was Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day as deemed by former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee.  They had record breaking sales as did the entire company.  Go God! 
Our kids proclaiming, “Eat Mor Chicken,’ before we went to the beach for last “hurrah!” before school started.

This was earlier in the summer on a different visit with Heather.  We visited twice.  I miss her so much.  She’s my best bud.  I cry every time I leave her.

Engaging my children has been the greatest blessing – I wouldn’t trade it for anything.   I only have a few short years left with them.  I am such a blessed woman! 

But this parenting thing is HARD!  (Can I get an Amen!?)    They went back to school today, so returning to KGM will be easy – EASY compared to parenting full time.  (I have 2 kids.  I can’t imagine how those of you with 3, 4, + kids do it.)

This summer, we’ve had friend issues; thankfulness issues; kindness issues; money management issues, screen issues, work ethic issues – all of which I am trying to use to develop godly character traits within them.  Some days I felt like a total failure.  That nothing I could say was penetrating into their heart.  Sometimes, it felt like I was beating my head against a wall.  Parenting is hard!   Your flesh often wants to “lose it!”   (Of which I did a few times and immediately felt great sorrow.)  Or your immediate verbal response – which was sometimes far from godly and if not careful, may include a few 4 letter words.)  I may not have said them verbally – but they were there!  They were in my heart.   There were a few days – I was at my wits end!


The one thing I did not neglect  – the one thing that was NOT compromised – was my time alone with Jesus.  If anything, I spent MORE time with Him than I normally do.  And I can truly say, it was the best part of every day.  Talk about finding rest for a weary, needing parenting help soul…

I’d rise no later than 6:15-6:30am and bask in the quiet of no one needing me.  (I even trained Jake to chill out!)   And in the quiet and stillness of the fresh morning air,  peace and wisdom that I so desperately needed would come.   I would receive direction for my day and I learned lots of lessons.  Hopefully I’ll get to share some of them with you in the coming weeks.
Our faithful, faithful God – never left me hanging.  He always gave me exactly what I needed for the day.  And miraculously – the peace, the calm and the balance of responsibilities for the day would come.

If it’s been a while since you’ve been in His Presence – take the time today!  He’ll truly bring restoration to your soul.

I’m so glad to be back!  Iron Sharpens Iron starts next week!   (See additional post you should have received!) 

Author: Tara

  • Oh Sweet Sister in our Lord, what a true BLESSING it was to see your posts on my reader waiting for me like a surprise present! Beautifully wrapped with precious manna from heaven, just waiting for me. God truly is SO good to know just what I needed to hear and amazingly, once again, it came through you. That I may take this frazzled day (my kids are still at home for another couple of weeks) and bring to Him and allow Him to restore my soul and the joy of my salvation! Praise the Lord for you, for KGM and for God still moving to reach a weary mama like me. 🙂

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