Friday’s Lunch – Intimacy in Marriage

Recap from Friday’s Luncheon – Intimacy in Marriage
If you missed Friday’s luncheon, YOU MISSED IT BIG!
Have you ever seen the movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding?  If so, remember the mom trying to give her daughter advice the night prior to her wedding?  Can’t remember the exact phrase, but she said something about “being a cougar…”
Being a cougar was last Friday’s lunch!  (I think I’m blushing again!)
Gwen’s talk was hot – yet holy.
It was raw – yet Biblical and real.
What was so awesome about it, was that it came from a woman whose been married for over 35 years; has raised 4 boys and has managed to keep the steam in the bedroom.

Without being too graphic, oh and it was graphic, I’m going to attempt to share some of the things she taught us…
She opened by having us a text a frisky message to our husband’s.  The first one who got a reply won a very slinky prize.  The gal who won… was at least 7+ months pregnant!!!  The gal sitting next to me, her husband texted back saying, “Is this __________ (her name)????!!!  It was a great way to start!
We learned (which we knew) – that God’s Divine purpose and plan for sex is for: 1 man and 1 woman to become 1 flesh for 1 lifetime.  That when God created Adam and Eve, He gave them sex for pleasure and procreation, saying, “it is very good.”
Gwen said to have a positive sexual relationship with your husband, it requires 3 things:
  1. A biblical understanding of sex –
  2. A medical understanding of sex –
  3. A personal understanding of sex –
She gave us 3 scriptures – which were rich…
Genesis 1:28
Hebrews 13:4, “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure…” 
1 Corinthians 7:3-5  In a nut shell, our bodies do not belong to ourselves, but to our husband’s…  read it.
She said:
  • If you’ve been withholding sex from your husband in any way – you are in disobedience and you need to go home and apologize.  

  • It is a medical need for our husbands.  Evey 48 -72 hours – there needs to be release.  (Yep!  That’s what she said!)

  • That as women, we need to set aside our priorities and pay attention to his needs.  When we do, this is God honoring.  This is obedience to the Word and that God applauds us.

  • To always be available – to not say no.

  • That when he comes home from work, he has 2 things on his mind:, “food and sex.”

  • She even laughed and said, “Tell him you are Burger King… that he can have it his way!”
OK, can I just say, that I kept on looking over to 2 women – who are on my Board of Directors as if to say, “Is this OK?”  One of them caught my eye and winked mischievously.  I later received an email from her congratulating me for being courageous enough to cover a subject that is rarely taught yet is so vitally important.

Later, as I reflected… Because the original purpose of sex has become so defiled and perverted by the world, we, as Christian women need the permission to be bold and aggressive; creative and adventuresome; available and affectionate.

Why???  Because it makes for a stronger marriage bond and thus a stronger family unit.
In Closing:
This subject was way out of comfort zone personally.  In fact, when it was my turn to close out the lunch at the end, I was so flushed, I couldn’t pray.  I just had to say – “You’re dismissed!  Enjoy your weekend!”  
I think it was because I was raised in the south.  And you just don’t talk about stuff like this when you’re raised in the south. 
Well, in this Biblical context – it needs to be talked about.  Perhaps if we did, more marriages could become sweeter and enduring.  Friday’s lunch, as they all have been – was powerful!  To God be the Glory. 
Gwen, if you read this – THANK YOU FOR YOUR COURAGE AND BOLDNESS.  You are a blessing!
The really good news!!!!!
WE recorded this talk –  As we have the others!!!
Click here to order yours! 
  1. When God Invades you Marriage – January (Tara Furman)
  2. Getting off the Roller Coaster – February (Marriage Counselor, Autumn Weikert)
  3. Intimacy in Marriage – March (Gwen Brodd)
To see more pictures, click here!

Author: Tara

  • For those of us that are too far to come to Iron Sharpens Iron, I'm so glad these are available to us! Thanks for recording and giving the opportunity to enjoy as well.

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