Hard to Love Mother-in-law?

Our plans for MAY 11th have been changed! 
Announcement tomorrow – stay tuned:)

1 Peter 3:1-2
Wives in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the Word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.
I and many others are living proof that our husband’s can be won to Christ by our behavior alone  when they see the purity and reverence in our lives…
If we want our husbands to want to know our Jesus, there’s one issue we need to be especially mindful of as it relates to the purity and reverence of our lives. 
What is it?  The purity and reverence we have for our mother-in-law.
As Autumn and I travel, the second biggest issue we observe is mother-in-law or daughter-in-law issues.  It might be unforgiveness or resentment, but the majority of the time, the issue is a controlling daughter-in-law.  
  • controlling when the children can be seen or visited;
  • not allowing grandparents to babysit at all cost – especially the mother in law;
  • controlling what happens when they visit grandma; controlling what they are allowed to eat… and much more.
(Now, before you get mad at me, hear me out. I realize there need to be reasonable boundaries and there could possibly be the issue of physical or mental inability.  In which, your husband can take the lead).
Yet, if you want to win your husband’s heart – take an inventory of:
  • how you speak of his mother;
  • how your treat his mother;
  • how your refer indirectly to his mother.
  • Do you allow her to visit your children or allow your children to spend the night with her?
Your behavior towards his mother matters to your husband. 
In addition, if we are not paying proper respect to our mother-in-laws, it’s a sin.  The Bible says, to honor your father and mother.  (Exodus 20:12)  Ruth referred to Naomi as “mother” and Naomi referred to her as “daughter.”  (Ruth 1:11-13)
Like it or not, when you marry that amazing man, you not only get him, but you get his “peeps” as well.  Don’t think you can separate yourself from them!
I can already it, “Well, you’ve never met my mother in law.  She’s evil.” 
And what does the Bible say, but “overcome evil with good.”  (Romans 12:21)
God will honor your obedience to Him, even if your mother in law fails to notice your goodness and kindness towards her. 
I personally, have an awesome mother-in-law.  I can remember when I first got married – many of my friends complained about their husband’s mother.  I honestly could never comment.  My mother in law has always been good to me.  We are VERY different from each other – very!  But I respect her and love her and will often go out of my way to be good to her because I know that this pleases God.
If you have ANY bitterness or unforgiveness in your heart towards your mother-in-law – ASK THE LORD TO FORGIVE YOU.    You may even need to ask her.  Maintaining unforgiveness only opens the door for devil in your life. 
Keep in mind:  You are not responsible before God for your mother-in-law’s behavior or reactions.  BUT you are responsible for your actions and your behavior. 
And if you want to win your husband’s heart… Start by loving and respecting his mama – even when she’s unlovable.
Practical Tips for those hard to love Mother-in-laws…
  1. Pray!  “Lord, love her through me.  It’s impossible here, help me to love her.  Help me to see her through Your eyes.”  You may have to pray this many times a day when you are with her. 
  2. If you need to ask forgiveness from her for anything – DO IT!  You risk being in sin and keeping a door open for the enemy to work in your marriage.
  3. Pray for her daily.  I have personally found that when I pray for people who are difficult, God opens my heart to love them with a love that is not my own.

Author: Tara

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