Help me to wake up Lord!

1.  Iron Sharpens IronTHIS Friday 2/10/12!
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2.  Christ Baptist Raleigh NC – this Thursday 2/9/12!
If you are in the Raleigh area: I will be at Christ Baptist, Newton Rd, this Thursday evening from 7:00-8:00pm.   I’ll be speaking on marriage. Would love to meet you! Let me know if you can come!
Mark 1:35

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.”

Someone emailed a great question that many of you may deal with.

“I am a night owl.  I’m 37 and have been this way since I was a teenager.  How do I go about switching to having morning devotions?  I currently have evening devotions, but would really like to switch to the morning. 

On the rare occasions that I’ve actually been able to spend time with God in the morning, it’s really been refreshing & the day seems to go much better.”

First of all, MANY Godly women read this blog.  So if you have suggestions in addition to mine, I welcome them.

PRAYER  is where I believe you must start.  “Lord, help me to rise early so that I can spend time with you.”

Let’s go to Scripture to see what the Bible says about morning quiet time:

Mark 1:35, See above

Psalm 119:147, “I rise before dawn and cry for help…”

Isaiah 50:4, “He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen as one being taught.”

I don’t want to be legalistic because I believe God can speak to us anytime He wants.  Yet, Scripture seems to give precedence to a morning quiet time.  And you nailed it, there IS something refreshing about starting your day this way. 

For me personally, there are so many voices that clamor for my attention – the voices/emails of iPhone; my to do list; my work load and my responsibilities – all good voices.   Yet in the morning before I start entertaining these voices, I’ve learned that I can more clearly discern God’s voice than any other time of day.  Not to mention, I feel like I’m at my best when I start with God in the morning.

So just as Jesus asked, I echo, “Are you willing?” 

Are you willing to be intentional about going to be earlier so that you can wake up earlier?  Are you willing to start slowing down earlier in the evening? 

I’m not trying to get you to be like me, but these practical things God has shown me so that I can wake up earlier.

  1. No email in the evening –  no planning the next day –  this keeps my mind buzzing.  Not to mention, my family needs my attention during those hours. 
  2. I start slowing down by 8:00 at the latest.  In the winter, I have my PJ’s on my 7:30 – teeth brushed so that I don’t eat anything else.  (This also helps the waist line.)  Be careful with sugar/caffeine in the evening as well.
  3. I have school age kids – so homework, packing lunches, etc… are time managed so that they too are slowing down and getting ready for bed.
  4. I am in bed by 9 or 9:30.

This takes diligence and discipline.  And now, it’s habit.

So I ask, “are you willing?”  

If so, start with prayer.  And when you pray, understand: 

God wants you in His Presence more than you can ever imagine!  He will delight to answer the prayer of helping you to get up in the morning…  But you must be willing.

I’ll be praying for you.  Would love to hear how God answers.

Tomorrow:  We’ll pick up with the Thanksgiving section of the Prayer Journal

Author: Tara