Ignoring the Holy Spirit’s Warning –

(Devotion is Below)

This Friday, March 9, 2012
Speaker: Gwen Brodd
Theme: Intimacy in Marriage
MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary NC
To receive the discount, you must register before Friday.
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The Knowing God Ministries team and board who are comprised of experts in the field of marriage – ranging from counselors to published authors to anointed Bible teachers…
without question or hesitation chose this month’s subject:  Intimacy in Marriage

Intimacy is EXTREMELY important for every marriage.  It’s a subject that is not often discussed in church. 
But if you think about it, can you imagine your pastor or priest or minister discussing such a thing from the pulpit???
  That makes it a perfect subject for us ladies to digest!
God has MUCH to say on this subject. 
God created it –
He designed it –
Sex was His idea. 

Our culture has perverted sex, dishonored it and in some places made it shameful.   At Knowing God Ministries our goal is to disciple you with Biblical truth from relevant subjects that today’s woman faces. 

If you cannot come, we are recording these talks!  As soon as Rebecca is able to get them online – I’ll let you know!

Our Speaker:  Gwen Brodd
Though I have never heard Gwen speak, she comes with glowing recommendations.  Evidently she keeps her audiences in stitches, while beautifully and masterfully tying her subject to solid Biblical truth.  I can’t wait to hear her!  You should hear what she wanted me to get as a door prize…  Massage oils, candles, lotions etc!!! 

I opted for the book she recommended!  LOL:)

Gwen has been married for 35 years and has 4 grown sons.  She loves to encourage women in their walk with the Lord.  She believes wholeheartedly in mentorship and discipleship.  She is currently mentoring 5 young women at this time. 

Register NOW to receive the savings.

Ephesians 4:30
Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed…

Years ago, when I taught 3 and 4 year old children the Bible – I kept a “smiley face” and a “frowny face” on hand. 

I would say, “When we obey God, we make Him smile 🙂 – Then show the smiley face!


When we disobey God, we make Him sad:( – Then show the frowny face.

Be listening for the first sounds of the Holy Buzz in your heart.   If we listen and obey His voice…  We put a smile on His face!  🙂   We can be assured that He will direct our steps to freedom; joy; peace, wisdom and contentment.

On the flip side, if we continually ignore the sound of the Holy Buzzer – the buzz will become quieter and quieter and quieter… 

Until we can no longer hear it at all.

We lose all awareness the Presence of God in our lives. Though He is still there, our disobedience grieves Him and silences His voice.  (You must remember, the Holy Spirit is a Gentleman.  He never forces us to do anything.  God created us with free choice.)  The silence is horrible.
Take it from someone who knows first hand this silence – It is a desert that is dry and lonely.  Confusion, frustration, a quick temper, dissatisfaction in every area of my life are symptoms I experienced when I grieve the Holy Spirit.

So when…

  • You first begin to realize that your marriage is in trouble – this is the Holy Spirit trying to wake you up to get help! If you wait till the breaking point – it will often be too late.
  • When you realize that a relationship is toxic – this is the Holy Spirit trying to direct you.
  • When you have that sick feeling in your gut because you know that what you are doing is wrong – this is the Holy Spirit.
  • When you are constantly miserable because you’ve allowed bitterness to dwell way to long – don’t you remember at the very beginning when that quiet voice was saying, “Forgive them – and let ME deal with them.”

The really good news that I’ve just recently learned:   We grow spiritually when we heed His warning and turn the other way – we experince victory!

Tomorrow’s Post: 
I have absolutely no idea right now!
Have a great day!  Hope to see you Friday:)

Author: Tara

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