In Your Nightmare – Is Jesus enough?

Don’t miss my schedule at the bottom – join me if you can!

John 16:33

“In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.”

This past weekend, I spoke at a Women’s Conference in Washington, NC.  Sorry I don’t have any pictures to share.  I was too mesmerized by what I was hearing. 

The afternoon segment had a very unique element.   Women could get up and share what God was doing in their lives.   I sat in amazement as I listened to the stories.   Their stories reminded me of Corrie Ten Boom’s memoir, The Hiding Place, a true story of survival at Ravensbruck, a Nazi Concentration Camp. 

At the end of the book, after living many, many months in Ravensbruck, Betsie, Corrie’s sister says something profound I never want to forget:

…we must tell people what we have learned here.  We must tell them that there is no pit so deep that He [Jesus] is not deeper still.”

In other words, no matter how bad your circumstances may be – no matter how big a pit you may be in – no matter how painful…  Jesus is there and He is enough.

Abandonment –

  • One woman shared that her mother abandoned her and her younger siblings when she was 16.  Later abandoned by her husband for another.  She was left with 2 children to raise.  Yet at 31, she stood and testified that knowing Jesus firsthand, has been enough.

Sexual Abuse –

  • One woman shared that she was physically and sexually abused throughout her childhood – yet she had come to know Jesus.  Coming to know Him personally in the depths of such brokenness – she boldly proclaims, “He is enough.”  (She has a local radio show in the area.)

A Baby

  • A 29 year old woman testified that when she had a baby at 14 – she never thought she’d make it.  (She too had been abandoned by the mother of the woman above.)  But her and her 15 year old daughter love the Lord their God with all their heart, mind and soul.  She testified that knowing Him – has been enough. 

Death –

  • Another woman shared how she had lost her 21 year old son in a New Years Eve automobile crash.   Her life gives testimony that in the nightmare – Knowing Jesus personally has been enough.
  • Another woman shared that she and her husband and another couple were in an automobile accident, Christmas 35 years ago.  Her husband and the other couple were killed by a drunk driver who was going 100mph and crashed into them head-on.  She was in the hospital for 29 months.  She’s never remarried – she lived to raise 2 daughters and has many grandchildren.  In the brokenness and hardship – knowing Jesus personally is what has gotten her through the last 35 years.

The hope of Heaven

  • Lastly, a woman shared how she and her husband had slept in one morning – to snuggle and to talk.  As he was getting out of bed, he was telling her that he loved her.  As soon as he said those words – he fell back and into unconsciousness.  She ran to call 911.  When she walked back into the bedroom, his eyes were looking toward the ceiling and his arms were reaching in the same direction.  She knew in that moment, her husband was entering heaven and looking into the eyes of his Savior.

What is your worst nightmare? 

Be encouraged, as I was this weekend…  During almost unbearable pain, sorrow or the unknown…No matter how bad things may get, and not matter how big the pit may be – Jesus is there and He is deeper still. 
Share your story!
Has Jesus been enough for you while living a nightmare?  Briefly share your story by double clicking on the title of the blog and sharing in the comment section at the bottom of the page.
Is He enough for you?
Do you know Jesus personally?  Or is He a Sunday morning God?  Or is He just a religion?  There’s a big difference between religion and a personal relationship.
To learn more, Intimacy with God, Establishing a Vibrant Quiet Time and Prayer Time will help you learn firsthand what it means for Jesus to be enough.

If you live:
1.  Near Pennsylvania – I’ll be in Butler, Pa September 15th at their Women’s Conference.  Contact Melody Hunter:  for more.
2.  In the North Carolina Mountains in Hendersonville:  What a beautiful place to be in the fall!
Sixth Annual Woman of Carolina Conference
Theme: iConnect
September 28-29, 2012
Fruitland Baptist Bible Institute
One Generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. Psalms 145:4
Friday Speaker: Tara Furman, Knowing God Ministries
Saturday Speaker: Phyllis Foy, North American Mission Board Missionary (Church Renewal)
Early bird tickets are $25 ($30 after September 17th). This includes conference, materials, breakfast, snacks and lunch.
Tickets can be purchased at Carolina Baptist Association by calling 828-693-4274 or iTickets (a 15% convenience fee applies)
Friday 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Breakout Sessions

Author: Tara

  • What a beautiful post. I love tesimonies and hearing how God is moving in people's lives. When someone from our church stands up to give a testimony, our Pastor always says "Let the redeemed say so" and I think of that often.

    God has moved so many times in my life, but I never want to forget my pregnancy with my 4th child. Prior to her pregnancy (a couple of years) I was having complications, so the dr. did a treatment that healed me, but also prevented further pregnancies. We were fine with that, with 3 wonderful children, so years later when I found out I was pregnant, it was a SHOCK. You know the news isn't good when your OB asks if you would like to terminate. Of course we didn't and so we were told that the pregnancy wouldn't make it to 10 weeks, then 12, 16, 20 and so on. We were also told that IF it proceeded we could be facing severe birth defects. God protected me the ENTIRE pregnancy. Held me in His hands. Daily I trusted Jer. 29:11 and the story of Sarah's birth to John the Baptist. At 30 weeks, we gave birth to Hope Elizabeth and she was completely healthy except for the fact that she was a preemie. She is 3 now and perfect. God is the Great Physician! If you haven't Put your trust in Him and allow Him to be your everything.

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