Inspiration Behind our Women’s Conference AND INPUT Needed!

In the months following last year’s Women/Girl’s Conference, a participant and friend, Lindsey Wingo,  (yes, Ryan’s wife!)
became inspired to start a blog for moms.  After attending Wendy Schultz’s breakout on parenting, she had an awesome idea!  (By the way, Lindsey will be the Luncheon speaker in March!)
Wendy Anderson Schulz
With the help of her sisters, Lindsey founded,  Missional Motherhood, a blog sharing wisdom and advice for mothers.  She has women of all ages –  26 writing contributors in all, sharing their wisdom.
Talking about walking away from the conference with a God-inspired brilliant idea!  This woman IS making a difference in her corner of the world!
The primary inspiration behind our Conference:  I have been blessed to have learned from many women whom I consider to be spiritual giants – they have contributed greatly to my spiritual growth.

I want YOU to have the opportunity to learn from them as well!  Bringing them all under one roof – to share their practical wisdom on relevant cultural topics will truly help you in your everyday life  – starting with YOUR family and GENERATION.

Helping you with your Relationship with God:
Sarah Bush, 
Cindy Finley, 
Kim Powell, 
Janice Lawrence,  
Fuller Harvey,

Marriage Speakers:
Brenda Dubbelman, 
Holly Ladner, 
Brigitte Harrison,
Robin Clow

Gwen Brodd, 
Suzi McDuffee, 
Wendy Anderson Schulz, Sarah Schulz, 
Melody Merritt, 

Impact (Sessions to help you make an IMPACT in your corner of the World)
Brigitte Harrison
Cary Heise, 
Judy Roberts, 
Cindy Finley

Middle School Girls
Heather Rumley, 
Amy Harriman, 
Wendy Anderson Schulz, Sarah Schulz, 

High School Girls
Ellen Stevens, Rachel Stevens, 
Quinn Evans, 
Kayleigh Bradham

These women and girls are making a difference in their corners of the world.  They are not perfect – but they are making a difference that matters before the God of the Universe.  Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from them!

If you could ask ANY OF THESE WOMEN a question – what would it be?  Meaning…

If you had the opportunity to ask a question to a panel of women (of various ages) what would it be?  Maybe it’s:

  • How do you balance it all?  Work?  Ministry?  family?
  • How much time do you spend on social media?
  • How do you keep from being over committed?
  • When do you go to the grocery store?  (It could be as goofy as this!)
Seriously – we want to make this fun but helpful!  Every panel discussion we’ve had at our luncheon this past fall was a hit!  But with a panel of this size – it would help to know some of your thoughts ahead of time!  Will you help us?  Your questions will be anonymous.

Click HERE with your question.  
Go to our FACEBOOK page and give us your thoughts.

Click HERE for Conference information!

Author: Tara