Iron Sharpens Iron – January

Iron Sharpens Iron – January 
Proverbs 27:17
“As iron sharpens iron, so one woman sharpens another.”
Thank you to everyone who came to our monthly lunch last Friday.  We had a great time and it was our highest attendance yet!  Hope you will be back!
Quick Highlights:
Amy Carroll, one of the KGM Board members welcomed everyone and said the blessing.

After going through a yummy buffet, we had focused conversations around each of the tables.  Following our lunch, Autumn Weikert led us in corporate prayer. 
(We always have such great feedback from this segment!  It’s a very special time.  Plus it prepares our heart for the message to come.)

I had the honor of speaking this month.  I must admit, coming to this lunch is alot more fun when you are NOT the one speaking!   The name of my talk, “When God Invades a Marriage.” 

Any of you who were there, would you be willing to share how you were most challenged?  Would love to hear your feedback.
As soon as I consult with Rebecca, my technology savy team member, I’ll let you know how to get it if you want to hear it.  We will be recording the messages to come.

To see our facebook album:!/media/set/?set=a.10150470264267651.359128.327201972650&type=1

February 10, 2012 is workshop month!
Theme:  Marriage, Marriage and more Marriage
General Session:  “Are you Ready to Get off the Roller Coaster?”
Cost:  $20
Workshop:  “Practical Tips for Stopping the Roller Coaster”
Cost:  $5/with lunch;  $10 if coming for workshop only

Speaker:  Autumn Weikert
Autumn is a mother of 4 and has been married for 30 years.  She has home schooled each of her children with only 2 more years to go before the youngest graduates.  Her and husband, Steve, have counseled couples for over 15 years. 
Autumn is an anointed Bible teacher.  Her stories and practical real-life application of Biblical principles will inspire you to make life and communication changes that will truly be effective! 

You don’t want to miss! 
As soon as registration is set up – I’ll let you know!

Side note:  Today, myself and a team member spent 3 hours recording blog video for the coming week.  (OK, we laughed alot too!)  But now I can’t upload them!  Could cry.   Please pray as I try the You Tube connection tomorrow.

Author: Tara

  • I would love a chance to hear the message. Thank you for thinking of those of us who don't live close. What a sweet ministry you and your team have. It is precious to me.

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