“Is the World going to Win the Parenting Battle?”

Iron Sharpens Iron is this Friday, March 8th
Wednesday is the last day for Pre-Registration Rate
Click HERE to register
Mothers and Grandmothers… do you desire to impact the children in your life with family values in an increasingly demoralized culture? See below for details…

Psalm 37:5-7
“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this:
:6  He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.
:7 Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him…

Recently, I received a note about parenting.  Her comment resonated with me.  You, too may feel the same.

“I’m always concerned that no matter how hard I pray, fight, and lead…the world is going to win.”

In my flesh, I agree.  But I’m a fighter and I’m not giving up.  That’s why I’m intentionally bringing  an expert on this subject on Friday.  She’s someone who has raised quadruplets who, as adults now love and serve Jesus passionately. 

What did she do?  What are her secrets? 

I don’t know.  You’ll have to join us Friday to find out. 

But this I know as it relates to the heart of the email I received:  When we “commit our way to Him; {even our parenting}  and trust in Him… 
:6  He will make our righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of our cause like the noonday sun. 

What are practical ways to “commit our way to Him” in our homes?

1.  Identify the thief of over activity in our lives.  (It often masquerades as “fulfillment, accomplishment, or success.”)
2.  Make time in the midst of a busy schedule for godly training. 
3.  Intentionally training myself and my children to turn to Jesus for life’s answers and to make prayer a lifestyle.  (Not just the blessing when we sit down at the table.) 

So I took an idea from my friend, Dina, a home school mom of 4.   Dina snuggles up with her children each day for prayer and Bible reading. 

My kids are on spring break this week and next.  So yesterday for a fresh way to approach their quiet time, I snuggled in my bed with my kids and read through a devotional together.  It was sweet.  One of the things I’m trying to do is connect what is happening in their life to what we are reading in God’s Word.

Honestly, I wonder if anything is penetrating.  And I, like my friend in the email, can often feel and wonder if the world going to win…

But I resolve to do my part and trust the Lord with the results.

By the way, I’m also going to make myself available to hear from women who have done it well.  We have one of those women at ISI on Friday!  (See below.)

Click HERE to register

Friday, March 8

General Session: 11:30-1:00pm
“Family Values in a
Demoralized Society”

Beth Evans

“How do we help our children be overcomers in a world that is increasingly cynical, negative and hostile toward family values? Are we fighting a losing battle? In our time together, we will talk about how to build families on The Foundation that promises victory.”

“Walking the Road of Parenthood:
Beth’s Practical Tips”
In the midst of:
· Bullying;
· Being left out or not included;
· Wanting to date early; boyfriends, girlfriends,
· Social media/TV/movie boundaries
· Alcohol/drugs
· Kids not wanting to do their quiet time or perhaps attend church…
How did a mom of quadruplets manage to raise 4 children, who now have a love and passion for Jesus, handle these life issues in the foundational years? What practical things did Beth do and is she still doing?

Iron Sharpens Iron Luncheon details:
Open to ALL Women
Hosted by Knowing God Ministries
at MacGregor Downs Country Club,
Cary, NC
2nd Friday of every month.
General Session with Lunch:
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
$20 preregistration/$25 at door
1:20 – 2: 05 p.m.
$5, with General session or
$15, Workshop only
Click HERE to register

Author: Tara