Be ONE WOMAN in 2016

Romans 1:16
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes…

For the last two months, I’ve had people asking me about our 2016 Conference.  

This year, we’re going in a totally different direction.

What caused the new direction?

The KGM Board thought it would be wise to convene a focus group.  We wanted honest feedback to a series of questions concerning conferences in general.  So at the beginning of November,  we gathered women of various age groups and asked questions about trends with women in general and women’s ministry.

I was surprised by the answers.   Not in a bad way.  Just… unexpected answers.

The pause button was pressed.  We needed to hear from the Lord.

Vision for 2016

KGM exists to grow women and girls spiritually. We believe in the power of ONE WOMAN.   When ONE WOMAN. knows her God personally and intimately – she – through the power of the Holy Spirit can change her corner of the world –  starting with:

  • her heart
  • her marriage
  • her home
  • her extended family
  • her place of business
  • her Sunday school group
  • her neighborhood; school, etc…

Maybe not in this order, but make no mistake – when ONE WOMAN lives out the gospel in her corner of the world, her impact is undeniable.   This is how change happens – ONE WOMAN at a time; one marriage at a time; one family at a time; one corner of the world at a time.  The gospel is powerful.  And often, it’s the woman who brings the gospel and the reality of the gospel into home.

What’s New in 2016? 

We are moving forward in 2016.  We’re on a mission to impact ONE WOMAN.  So with GREAT EXCITEMENT and OVER THE MOON ENTHUSIASM – I unveil 2016

KGM @ Nite:  January 26th – Register HERE
What in the World is Going On?  Watching the News through a Biblical Filter

Parenting Forum: February 6th – Register HERE 
Half-day event; mom’s of kids age 3-18
Experienced moms share their wisdom!
Speakers: Gwen Brodd, Suzi McDuffee, Rey Cooke, Melody Merritt

KGM @ Nite – April 28th
Empowering Mothers and Daughters to Navigate the World of Technology

One Woman Conference – July 29th – 30th 
Using your Influence to Impact your Corner of the World 

Marriage Forum – October 8th

Mother/Daughter Retreat –  November 4-5th


January 15 – Learning to Pray Strategically and Fervently
February – Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places
March:  Little Women – BIG GOD; It’s not the size of your problems, but the size of your God
April:  Boycotting Busy
May:  The Secret to Making a Difference Every Single Day

It’s going to be a great year!  Please join us.  Write these dates on your calendar and prepare to be equipped, inspired…

A quick shout-out to our donors – those who donate their time, talent and treasure:  Thank you for helping us change the world – one woman at a time.   We COULD NOT DO THIS WITHOUT YOU.  Thank you for investing in this ministry.

Author: Tara

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