Just Follow Your Heart…?

This Friday, March 9, 2012
Speaker:  Gwen Brodd
Theme:  Intimacy in Marriage
MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary NC
To come, prepay and register below:

Have you ever heard the phrase:

“Oh, just follow your heart.” 
“Do what seems right.”

Jeremiah 17:9
“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.  Who can understand it?”

Over the last week, I’ve been discussing the “Confession section” of the Prayer Journal.  Last week, we talked about the importance of keeping short accounts with God and taking time each day to “wash our feet.”

Today, God seems to want to shed His holy and Divine spotlight onto a common phrase that we often hear – “just follow your heart.”

In all honesty, I too would be running around following my heart had I not learned what Jeremiah 17:9 says about the heart.  God says, that the heart is deceitful and beyond cure…  Think about it:

When we follow our heart:

  • We start looking up and flirting with old boyfriends on facebook – because we’re following our heart.
  • Affairs begin – because we’re following our heart.
  • Sex out of marriage; sex before marriage – because we’re following our heart. 
  • We withhold forgiveness to people who have hurt us – because we’re following our heart.
  • We become angry, bitter people – not even knowing it – because we’re following our heart.
  • We eat more pizza and chocolate than we ever intended – because we’re following our heart.
  • We drink too much – because we’re following our heart.

The list could go on and on. 

Following our heart is how we get ourselves deeper and deeper in the pit of captivity.

Before we know it, Satan has us in such a vice-grip, that no matter how badly we want to be right before God and obedient to Him – we just can’t.  Because we’ve unknowingly believed the lie of the enemy:  “Just follow your heart…  Everyone’s doing it…  It’s ok.  You can’t help how you feel…”

Have you ever heard these things whispered into your soul? 

Next Post:  The Escape Door –

Author: Tara