KGM Faces, Part 2

Ezra 7:28
Because the hand of the Lord my God was on me, I took courage and gathered leading [women] from Israel to go up with me.

Our mission at Knowing God Ministries is to help women KNOW God personally… To NOT just merely know ABOUT Him – but to KNOW the Living God of the Universe personally.
The 4 pillars of KGM are: helping women know God in:
1. Relationship
2. Marriage
3. Parenting
4. Ministry
In case you missed yesterday’s post, these are the women who comprise Knowing God Ministries.  Their prayer support, wisdom, discernment and practical service have made and are making KGM what God has called it to be.
Many of the women today were instrumental in awakening my faith.  Jesus was contagiously real in their everyday lives and I desperately wanted to know their Jesus.  It is such an honor to be able to share their wisdom with you in future blogs and in future areas of ministry – (in the months to come, we will share!)
Dina Hester
Bible teacher, Wife, Mother of 4, home school mom
KGM Board Member and Team Member

Fayeson Tilley
Bible Study Fellowship Teaching Leader 15 years
(My first Bible study leader!)
KGM Board Member

Kelly Hollis
Iron Sharpens Iron Event Manager
Mother of 2
KGM Team Member

Maggie Chapman
Bible teacher
Her advice was the inspiration that started the Prayer Journal!
Mother of 4
KGM Board Member

Marsha Pierce
Iron Sharpens Iron Event Coordinator
KGM Team Member
Nancy Cobb
Award winning author/ International Speaker
Her books were instrumental in helping me learn how to “behave” in the home.
KGM Board Member
Suzi McDuffee, my precious mentor and previous neighbor
Bible Study Fellowship teaching leader – 10 years
Bible teacher
KGM Board Member
Many of you may know these women.  To others, they are new faces.  Every single one of these women have a faith that is lived out on the anvil of everyday life.  Once meeting them, you too will want to know their Jesus. 
Starting next week, you will have the opportunity to meet them HERE on the Knowing God Ministries Blog.
You can also meet them at our monthly Iron Sharpens Iron lunches.  The Team is always there – the Board is mostly there!  (I so appreciate their support and engagement!) 
Come meet them next week!
Tomorrow’s post: 
Iron Sharpens Iron next week

Author: Tara

  • What a precious team. Beautiful, each and every one of them. I don't think I realized just how big this ministry was, so thank you for sharing this with us. I thank each and everyone involved in your ministry for your Kingdom work. I know first hand the impact it has made in my walk with Christ, so I can only imagine how many more people you have touched. Thank you all so much.

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