Learn to Speak a Man’s Language – Respect

Iron Sharpens Iron – THIS Friday!
Register Early and save!

Ephesians 5:33
“husbands must love their wives, and the wife must RESPECT her husband.”  (caps mine)

The four pillars of Knowing God Ministries are:
1.  Knowing God in a personal relationship through Jesus Christ.
2.  Knowing God in marriage –
3.  Knowing God in parenting –
4.  Knowing God in ministry –

As we’ve started the new year at Iron Sharpens Iron, knowing God in MARRIAGE is our focus.

From Ephesians 5:33, isn’t it interesting how men are commanded to love their wives and that wives are commanded to RESPECT their husbands. 

Men talk in blue and women talk in pink.  Yet for our marriages to be solid and for the marriages of children to be solid, we as women must learn to speak a man’s language.  The foreign language of: respect.

Listen to this quote from Dr. Emerson Eggerich’s book, Love and Respect: “Scientific research confirms that love and respect are the foundation of a successful marriage.”  

Oh, the ways we disrespect our husband’s… and do not even know it!   Without our knowledge, we can disrespect him with our tone of voice; the look on our face, our non verbals, and the many other ways we communicate.  And then we wonder why we aren’t feeling the love!

Single or married, you will not want to miss this month’s meeting and workshop!   You will learn to speak a man’s language – not only in marriage, but in the workplace, with your sons, with your brothers, with your father, and with your co-workers.

Friday, February 10, 2012  
MacGregor Downs Country Club – Cary NC
General Session: “Are you Ready to Get off the Roller Coaster?”11:30-1:00pm
$20prepay/$22 door

Workshop:       “Practical Tips for STOPPING the Roller Coaster”1:20-2:15pm
$5 with lunch / $10 workshop only
RSVP by Wednesday @ 3:00pm
Registration now open! 

The workshops are intended to be interactive with Q&A as well as instructional. 

  • Handouts will be provided
  • Bring your Bible and a pen!
  • Arrive between 11:15-11:30. 

Grab a few friends and join us on Friday!  Make sure you register early to get the discount!

The roller coaster stops when we truly understand “Respect” and live it!

Author: Tara