Let There Be Fireworks!

Let your light so shine before men that they will see your good works,
 and glorify your Father, Who is in heaven.    
Matthew 5:16
Whiiiisssshhhhhh. . . .POOM! (Ooooooo. . . . )
Whiiiisssshhhhhh. . . .POOM!  POOM!  POOM! (Ahhhhhh!)
The glorious sounds of fireworks – be it at New Year’s or Fourth of July.  


 For whatever the celebration, fireworks never fail to “light my fire.”
I cannot trace the origin of this, but the Fourth of July is probably my favorite holiday.  To me, it is ALL joy, celebration, and freedom, and zero, zip, zilch obligation.  It’s food and fellowship with family or friends. . . and a gigantic “scratch” to my pyromaniac “itch” through sparklers and pyrotechnics.
Toward the end of my mother’s life, Independence Day also became her favorite holiday.  Maybe for this reason:
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.
Ephesians 5:1
In fact, the last painting she created before she graduated to glory in 2008 was of fireworks.  We used it and Matthew 5:16 as the cover for the bulletin for her memorial service. 
See, fireworks were the perfect analogy for Mom’s life.  Be not misled:  she was not a large, flashy show.  FAR from it!  She was as behind-the-scenes as a person can get.  Rather, coming into contact with my mom personally was like being touched by a life-giving light-source:  it “lit you up” and propelled you to ignite others who were also waiting to catch fire.
So, we handed out sparklers at the end of her service, and asked those who came to take a private moment some other time to light that sparkler and pray to touch others in such a way that makes the world brighter.
I believe firework imagery rides disguised throughout Scripture. 
Let there be light!
[Whiiiisssshhhhhh. . . .POOM!  Imagination, mine! ]
And there was light.
Genesis 1:3
Yep, the first, most-amazing-ever firework!

And just LOOK at how God chose to announce the earthly arrival of His Son:

One angel appears at first, right?  But THEN. . .
Suddenly, a great company of heavenly host appeared with the angel . . .
  Luke 2:13
That was nothing, if not a glorious angel-filled firework display created solely for the purpose of announcing the arrival of Emmanuel, God with Us, to earth.  Now THAT is an event worthy of fireworks!
From now on, I hope fireworks will help you recall two things: 

  • ·      The glorious night and way God chose to shout, “I’m here with you!” and
  • ·      That you should be so afire with His love that you ignite others, too.
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. 
Live as children of light.    
Ephesians. 5:8
May the light and “good works” of Jesus in your life be gorgeous to behold, girlfriend!
Whiiiisssshhhhhh. . . .POOM! (Ooooooo. . . . )
Whiiiisssshhhhhh. . . .POOM!  POOM!  POOM! (Ahhhhhh!)

(Happy New Year!)


[NOTE:  Fuller recently published her first book,  Just As . . . I AM  (Vol. One), 
a worship-based Bible study with on-line worship playlists and NO HOMEWORK! 
To learn more, or to connect with her, go to www.justasIAMworship.com. ]

Author: Tara