Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places –

Let’s quickly recap:   When you take note of all that is going on in the world in context of Scripture, clearly, God is shaking us.  (Haggai 2:6-7)  He’s shaking our finances and our political system.  We are even seeing an increased intensity of storms and natural disasters world wide.  (See past posts.)


  • Pornography revenues exceed the revenues of Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo!, Apple, Netflix and EarthLink combined.  (Clearly a vessel that MANY  are seeking satisfaction.)
  • More than 53 million children have been murdered since 1973 (Row vs Wade) with no end in sight.
  • Lawlessness is increasing.  We saw it in London a month ago and are seeing it again on our own soil with the Occupy Wall Street protesters.  (By the way, Jesus said there would be increased lawlessness in the last days. Matthew 24]).

On September 11, 2011, Joel Rosenberg and Anne Lotz conducted a simulcast on the reasons why God is shaking us and for our need (the church – the people belonging to Jesus) to wake up from our intoxication from the things of this world.

Reason #1:  Because God loves us and wants us to repent from our sin.  (I’ve gone into detail in the last 8+ posts.)  
Today, reason #2: 
“God is shaking us because He wants us to realize there is no One else who can satisfy us or give us true peace and security except Jesus Christ.”

Psalm 62:1
“My soul finds rest in God alone…”

When I was in college, though I belonged to God, I was not taking time to read my Bible each day.  I was doing my best to live a “righteous life,” but all to often, I was looking for love in all the wrong places.  I was looking for worth in relationships, in a bar, at a party, even a movie – hoping that one day my life would be as complete as those on the big screen.

But that all changed 15 years later, when I began to realize that God and Him alone was the only One Who could help me solve all my issues.  No longer could my friends nor my money nor my job nor my husband and children give me soul rest, but only a meaningful relationship with Jesus.

I met women who knew Jesus like He was their BFF.  To me, He was my Sunday morning God.   Yet church wasn’t enough for the issues I had.  So, I would go to LifeWay looking for books to help me to KNOW God like these women knew Him, but I found nothing.  Over the course of time, God Himself taught me how to start having a meaningful relationship with Him.  It’s all chronicled in Intimacy with God the study and Intimacy with God the Prayer Journal.

Where are you looking for satisfaction, peace and security?   A job?  In a relationship?  In food or alcohol or a drug?  Are you looking for love and security through your possessions or status?   Satisfaction in pornography?

One of the reasons God is uprooting us, is so that we will turn from finding worth and fulfillment in anything other than a meaningful relationship with Him.

But the choice is yours.   God will not make us come to Him.  He’s a Gentleman.  He gives us a choice.  We can keep searching for soul rest in all the wrong places.  OR, we can find true rest for our souls in God alone.

When I resolved to chose God, instead of the things of this world, I found that God and Him alone “satisfies my soul as with the richest of foods.”  (Psalm 63:5)

Oh, friend, come to the Well that truly satisfies –

Author: Tara