Luncheon with Justice Paul Newby

My Amazing Team 
Left to right
Kelly Hollis, Gayle Early, Ellen Stevens, me, Tricia Cullen, Melody Merritt, Autumn Weikert

Proverbs 22:1
“A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.”

Our luncheon Friday was the “cherry on top” to the 2011 Iron Sharpens Iron lunches.  Our speaker, Supreme Court Justice, Paul Newby was amazing!  So honored… so honored to have him.  (Sorry I don’t have a picture of him.  Our normal photographer could not come.  My mind was too distracted.) 

Justice Newby is up for reelection next November.    Judgeship races are theoretically nonpartisan.  Yet, in the real world – its very partisan.  Judgeship’s are very important because judges determine the direction of the country.  This man needs to be reelected.  He needs your support.  Our state needs your support in reelecting him.

In case you missed it, or was there and wanted a recap, here are some highlights.
Very Impressive
First and foremost, his knowledge of Scripture is profound.  He quoted as many as 10 verses verbatim from memory without looking at notes.  Today’s verse was one of them.  (As a speaker, that’s hard to do in front of an audience.  I often fumble my words.)  Not Justice Newby. Very impressive.  This tells me, it’s on his heart and he’s living it daily.

Growing Up
He said that he woke up most every morning seeing his mother and father in their quiet time and on their knees in prayer.  He joked and said that when “he became a teenager, they stayed on their knees even longer!”

Advice to Moms and Grandmothers and Wives –
To pray for your children fervently and for your husbands.  He’s not sure where he’d be were it not for the the prayers of his mother and wife.
To have your kids memorize scripture and to be diligent in this area.

Standing Firm:
He shared that after being elected to the Supreme Court in 2004, he was told that “He shouldn’t be so outspoken about his faith.  That he may want to keep it to himself.” 

His response?

As the British Royal Navy puts it, “I’m nailing my colors to the mast.”

What that means is that in the Royal Navy, the sailors will nail the sovereign’s flag to the ship’s mast as they sail into battle so that it can not be hauled down and replaced with a white flag of surrender. 

So in other words, Justice Newby refuses to surrender to popular opinion or personal intimidation or even political pressure. He votes according to the federal constitution and the state constitution.  (Which also happens to be based on Biblical principles).
“Do you have like-minded company on the Supreme Court?”
Out of the 7 judges on the Supreme Court, he and 2 others get together to pray prior to holding court.  He made clear, “not that we always get along or see eye to eye, but these other justices know that I love them, so a bond and friendship has been formed.”

How can we pray?
He challenged us to pray regularly for the Supreme Court.  “That when the Justices are in conference, it’s a spiritual battle – especially when moral issues are being argued. 
The best way to pray:  “for wisdom and civility.” 
How to pray for the upcoming elections?
He says that he prays first and foremost “that God would raise up godly men and women to lead the country despite political party.  Absent of godliness, he prays for moral men and women to be placed into office.” 

Clearly, God has strategically placed Paul Newby in one of the highest seats in the state.  Justice Newby’s visit was very encouraging to me because it’s evidence that God still has His eyes on our country  – that He hasn’t given us over to ourselves (Romans 1:28).  And what hope that God has strategically placed other men and women like Paul Newby in high office.

Please remember Justice Newby next November. 

Knowing God Ministries
KGM is an IRS identified, non profit ministry.  If KGM has been a blessing to you, prayerfully remember us now that we are at the end of  tax year.  All donations or gifts to KGM are tax deductible. 

And frankly, we need your help. 

Please mail your gift or donation to:
Knowing God Ministries
115 Overview Lane
Cary, NC 27511
“If we have sown a spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you.” 1 Cor. 9:11

This Week’s Post

  • Luke 1:5-25, Elizabeth and Zechariah.  Have you ever been duped?
  • Luke 1:26-38  Mary’s encounter with the angel, Gabriel. 
          • Trusting the Lord with the consequences of our obedience –
          • Trusting the Lord with our husbands –

Author: Tara

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