Made for so Much More –

Join me
at the:
2011 Women’s Refresh Your Heart Conference
Colonial Baptist, Cary NC
in your spiritual growth/ in your family life/ in your daily life
Saturday, November 5
Register today!

Hope to see you there!

Genesis 1:27

So God created man in His own image.

For my 40th birthday, I got an iPhone.  What a handy, dandy little contraption this thing is!

There are so many feature and uses, that I’m still learning  it all.  When I first got it, all I used was the phone, texting and the email.  (What a relief to not have to be in my office to send and receive email!)
Seeing my limitations, my 11 year old son who began teaching me all the things this little thing can do. 

Not only is it a phone and good for receiving and sending email and texts through it,  it has a calculator.  It  has an odometer for calculating my walks and runs.  It has a GPS system.  No more getting lost.  It’s become my camera, video camera and photo album.  I can get the news or latest scores.  It’s is my boom box for music.   It has so many features, and I’m barely scratching the surface.

After posting yesterday’s blog, the Lord impressed on my heart that we, the Body of Christ are much like the iPhone.  We were created in God’s image – for the capacity to do so much,  yet quite often, we are only functioning using the basics:  the phone, the texting, and email feature of our lives.   All too often we say, “No,” to God when He impresses upon our heart something that He wants us to do. 

When you accepted Christ as Savior, you not only received the gift of the Holy Spirit living within you, but you received spiritual gifts as well.  Every believer has been given at least one spiritual gift and usually more than one.  (See 1 Corinthians 12:4-11)

If you do not know what your gifts are, pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal them to you.  And then start looking for doors the Lord may be opening for you to use those gifts.   Quite often, He opens doors in the least expecting places.  Be watching and listening.

Next Post:  Examples of people living their purpose –

Author: Tara