Making a Difference for Mother’s Day

Do you want to make a difference in your Corner of the World?
Created for Purpose!    
Friday, May 10th 11:30 1:00pm                                                                                                          MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary                                          
Click HERE to Register                                                                                              
Created for Purpose; Making a Difference in your Corner of the World;                                              7 Week Bible Study Written by: Tara Furman



1 Corinthians 3:6

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.”

During the writing of Created for Purpose, I used and quoted not only from the Bible, but from books that people had given to me.  The books had either changed my:

  • my behavior 
  • my thinking or
  • my life altogther.

Often, the people who had given me specific books, would write a special note inside the cover page.  Example below:

I often marvel how God will multiply the seed one person makes.  Did Suzi, at the time, my next door neighbor and mentor, (below, she’s also a KGM Board Member),

have any idea that her small seed – would have such a profound impact?  Her seed not only blessed me, but 8 years later, it will bless anyone who studies, Created for Purpose

One woman…  making a profound difference in her corner of  the world. She had no idea.  She just sowed a seed – as the Lord prompted.

For Mother’s Day, consider giving the gift of a book.  Not just any book, but a book, study or devotional that will draw those you desire to honor – closer to Jesus.

You never know the profound difference you could make in your sphere of influence. 

Life Changing Resources –
Wrap and Ship for Mother’s Day

1.  Order a book from KGM by Wednesday, May 8th and make it in time for Mother’s Day.          Click HERE

2.  We will Wrap and Ship your Gift
For a donation of $25/ we will beautifully wrap and ship anywhere in the US either:                        (All donations are tax deductable.)

  • The Prayer Journal, Intimacy with God, Your Daily Guide to Prayer
  • The Politically Incorrect Wife
  • 5 CD Bundle – from our Iron Sharpens Iron luncheon

For a donation of $35, we’ll wrap and ship either:

  • Your Choice of Bible Study:  Created for Purpose; Intimacy with God
  • The Daily Chronological Bible
  • Love and Respect

We’ll also include this card:   

Hope this helps:)

Author: Tara