“Men want Respect” – Workshop Tidbits

Thanks to Rebecca, our team I.T. guru, Love and Respect is now on the KGM website.  Quantities limited.  Order yours today! 
Ephesians 5:33
“…and the wife must respect her husband.”
Just in case you missed the workshop and wanted a recap… HERE are some bullet points from what was taught!
  • Men do shoulder to shoulder – not face to face

Men like shoulder to shoulder silence with their wives.  They don’t necessarily want to talk, they just want you to be there.  This is relationship building to them.  (As a woman, I don’t get it.  Just think “blue.”) 

We were challenged “sit” with our husbands when they are watching TV or working in the yard – and to not speak!    By doing this, you are making yourself available for him to talk to you shoulder to shoulder (if he so chooses!).   Eventually, as he understands that you are “safe place” for him – in other words you are not going to shame him or ridicule him, he’ll start to share his heart with you.    

  • In a marriage, we have to be careful about losing our friendship with our husband due to being too tired, job stress, household stress financial stress and conversations only about the children.  We were warned to be careful.
  • We were encouraged not to turn our sons into girls – by demanding they only speak “pink language.”

  • Listen intently to his stories – let him talk without interrupting him or finishing his sentences.

  • Never use sex as a weapon –

  • Never put down his job or share how much money he makes.

  • Praise him and thank him for his work and that he’s not just a meal ticket.

  • Budgets are emotional for men – they were created to protect and provide.  Therefore, they fear judgement.  We must be a safe place of support and encouragement for them.

  • Do you see yourself better at parenting and spiritual things?  If so, back down.  Let him lead.  Never undermine him in front of the kids or ANYONE else. 

  • Often their advice and counsel is wanted in the workplace – but they get home and are ignored, disrespected and not valued.  It’s our jobs to value them and their counsel. 

  • Men want respect.  If you want love – obey God’s command of giving your husband respect.  If you do, you will begin to feel the love!

These are just a few of the many practical nuggets we gleaned at the workshop last week. 

Thank you to all who came.  Many more stayed than I ever realized.  This tells me we’re hitting a nerve – that we’re on the right track.  I and many other women are hungry for counsel like this.  If you were there – our prayer is that you were greatly encouraged!

If you are disappointed about the break from Prayer Journal training this week – sorry!  That’s where we will pick up on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

    Author: Tara

    • Hi Tara,

      Amy Carroll from P31 mentioned you on her blog and I stopped by. Nice to "meet" you.

      Those Love and Respect materials are so helpful, aren't they? I just used some of their material for a MOPS message I did last Thursday. God always uses those times to teach and convict me in great ways too! 🙂 Did you teach at your workshop then too?

      Jennifer Dougan

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