Ministry Monday

Luke 17:15-17

One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice.  He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him.
Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed?  Where are the other nine?”
The story of the 10 Lepers from Luke’s gospel can be so convicting.  How often has God blessed us…  We run off with the blessing, never returning to say thank you?
I’m guilty!  Lord, help me.  Therefore, I’m working on training myself to be like the 1, not the 9.

Ministry Monday

As a way of saying, “Thank you to the Lord,”:  1.  For YOU the reader and
2.  For the impact He is allowing Knowing God Ministries to have in our corner of the world, I want to give back – as a way of saying thank you. 
1.  For you:  20% off our Christmas Journal 
A $15 gift for $12!  (This week only)

Perfect gift for Teachers; Girlfriends, Sisters, Mothers and Daughters!

Click HERE to order
What’s inside?  2 sections:
Practical tips for keeping Jesus the center of your Christmas…  
Space to record 6 years worth of precious Christmas memories!
2.  How has KGM encouraged your spiritual walk with Jesus?   
“I just wanted to thank you for the excellent Bible Study and Prayer Journal.    I am the mother of 10 children and attended the retreat at the beach with Northwest Community Church where you spoke. 
I was so moved by your teaching on quiet times and having a growing and vibrant relationship with the Living God that I came home and ordered your materials right away.    I have enjoyed them so much that I also ordered sets for each of my oldest 4 children. They have been enjoying them as well!    I so want them to have their own walks with the Lord.  I firmly believe that if they can get a-hold of the teachings you offer, their lives will be changed and they can be used greatly of God but also avoid the years of wondering, like I did as a young believer.    Nothing like a face-to-face relationship with God to dispel any notion of being a spiritual orphan!   
My 10-year old son gets up with me every morning at 5:30am to read his Bible and pray at the same time I do.   All of my children are studying daily, as a part of home school.   I see them growing greatly in Christ as they dive deeply into His Word and learn how to pray (something I’ve always struggled with and just didn’t know how to teach them…that is, until now!).
Your Bible study and Prayer Journal are life-changing and to God be all the glory for what He is doing in our lives. Thank you too for being willing to share what He has taught you. Blessings upon you and Knowing God Ministries!    I pray the message will reach far and wide because the Church needs this word desperately, and she doesn’t even know it.”

Would you be willing – as a thank you to Jesus – briefly share either on the blog or facebook  – how KGM has pointed you to Jesus? 

Author: Tara

  • KGM has changed my life in SO many ways, I don't even know where to begin. I stumbled on the blog awhile ago and soak in the truths in each post, reading ALL I could. I ordered the bible study and worked through it many times, each time uncovering new truths. I have emailed Tara a few times to thank her and encourage her, giving back but there isn't a day that goes by that I don't lift up KGM up to the Lord.

    Before I found the blog my walk with Christ was stagnant. Oh, I loved Him but wasn't spending time walking with Him daily. It was like a fit Him in a box and came to Him as needed… Like He was a genie.

    KGM has helped me open my eyes to my walk with Christ and how to make it personal.

    Thank you all for your continued encouragement and ministry.ay God continue to bless your faithfulness.

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