Ministry News

May’s luncheon: 
Ask the Experts!
3 Experts1 RoomYour questions
relating to marriage.
May 11, 2012; 11:30-1:00pm
MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary NC
If you missed Nancy, Gwen or Autumn’s powerful luncheon talks – you will not want to miss this luncheon.  It will be unlike anything we’ve done before.  You will determine the subject.  The floor is yours!
We believe the Bible is true and when it says, “iron sharpens iron” – we believe it!  So much can be learned from the questions each of us may have.
Invitations went out yesterday for our final lunch prior to summer.  If you did not get your invitation and want to come:
And email to have your name added to our monthly invitation!

In North Carolina, on May 8th, voters will go to the polls and determine how they think marriage is to be defined.
I realize this may upset some of you.  But I, the Board and Team of Knowing God Ministries, with no hesitation and without reservation – submit to Biblical authority.  God defines marriage between one man and one woman.
Genesis 2:24
“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.”
The battle is raging.  I see evidence on the news; in the paper; and on talk radio.  The enemy wants us (the Body of Christ) to be in confusion.  He wants us to bow to political correctness.  He wants us to be in fear of “children losing their health insurance” if the amendment is enacted.  (Which is NOT true.) 
And he wants more than anything to keep us in Biblical ignorance.
Search the Bible for scriptures relating to marriage…Look in the back at the appendix.
And see for yourself!
If you are in North Carolina – go to the polls between now and May 8th and 
Vote FOR marriage!

Personal Note

Lastly, I’m sorry I have not posted any blogs this week. 
An intense schedule  +  back to back women’s conferences  +  not feeling well physically = No blog posts. 
I covet your prayer support this weekend. 
Autumn and I are traveling to Atlanta for a women’s event Sunday night in Sugar Hill, Ga.  We are super excited!  We leave Saturday and get home Monday.
Yet so many details between laundry; getting kids straight along with their schedules; husband’s content; food in the house and all the details for ministry…  (And there are many.)
Pray: “Not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit” an eternal difference will result in the lives of the women we will be ministering to.   And strength for the journey – every step of the way.
God’s richest blessings to you –
Next week (Lord willing):  Video blogs for our Prayer Journals- Listening to the voice of God

Author: Tara