Moms are on Assignment to Discipline their Children –

6 Ingredients of True Discipline

Teaching on Biblical Discipline
Gwen Brodd

Hebrews 12:11,
“No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening – it’s painful!  But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.”

Do you realize children are your disciples?
Do you realize that Godly discipline will yield a harvest of righteousness?

Last weekend at our Parenting Forum, Gwen Brodd taught us that sinful behavior is the result of a sinful heart.  We, as moms, must realize our children are our little disciples.  We are on assignment to not only teach them and pray for them, but to discipline them as well!

Let’s face it – sometimes our children are what child psychologist, John Rosemond describes as little criminals.  Merely correcting their behavior is only putting a band-aid on the situation. In reality, kids need heart surgery.  Discipline must hurt or it’s not discipline.  Nor will it change the heart.

6 Ingredients of True Discipline:

  1. Love and intimacy – Our kids must know we love them.  We must establish homes filled with lots of love fueling good relationships.
  2. Instruction – Sit down and explain the expectations.  Rules and expectations must be clear and consistent.
  3. Training – Take time to show them what you want them to do.  If it’s chores – walk through it with them.   Make sure they understand the expectations.
  4. Consequences – Give one warning.  After the warning and bad behavior persists, the consequence must fit the crime.
  5. Correction – It must hurt or it’s not discipline.
  6. Reassuring – Reassure them that you love them, but not the behavior.

As parents we must be decisive and clear.  Our word needs to be the final word.  After the first warning – no more warnings given.  Gwen encouraged us to be compassionate and godly when we discipline.  Remember:  it’s the heart we’re trying to change.  After all, the Bible promises a peaceful harvest of righteousness for those trained in this way!

Our next awesome event?
Friday’s Luncheon, February 19th
“What’s Love Got to do with it?”

Speaker:  Crystal Roberts
Crystal Roberts

Have you ever looked to other people or things to fill your love tank only to come up empty?

What happens when life suddenly changes?  Often it reveals our foundation.  How strong is your foundation?  Don’t miss this week’s luncheon!

Click HERE for a full description and registration


Author: Tara