“Mother, May I?”

(Part Three of a Three Part series entitled STOP AND GO, by Fuller)

Listen and hear my voice; pay attention and hear what I say.
Isaiah 28:23  (NIV)
Remember the classic children’s game: Mother, May I?
“Mother” is the leader and calls out a command to a specific player:  “Tara, take two steps forward.”
If Tara steps forward without saying, “Mother, May I?” poor Tara is penalized.  If, however, she remembers to say the magic words, then Mother will reply with, “Yes, you may,” and Tara is able to take two steps forward. Baby steps . . . ballerinasteps. . . possibly GIANT steps, which get Tara closer to the goal of being able to reach out and TOUCH “Mother” and to win the game!

You know where I’m going with this one.  The conclusion of the game significantly hinges upon whether or not the participant is attentive to ask for permission to move.
I’m discovering that walking the Jesus Girl walk is much the same way.  If I try to move without first saying, “Father, may I?” I misstep and reap painful – aching – consequences.
What are the lessons from  Mother, May I?,  really Father, May I?:
·      Pay attention to whether or not Father is speaking to you;
·      If you think He has said to move, it’s crucial to ask for permission;
·      If He says to move – OBEY!

So HOW do we train our ears to hear both the STOP and the GO?
There is no substitute or short cut:  reading the Bible is the only way to learn the pattern of God’s speech. Simply spend time in His Words.  (Remember all the “Go’s” of the first part of this series?) Get to know His cadence:  God speaks with calm, quiet authority and gives simple, clear commands. 
Remember prank phone calls?  If someone pretended to be your grandmother but said anything contrary to your grandmother’s personality, you immediately called “Fake!”   The same is true for knowing God’s voice – – if you know His heart toward you, you will not be deceived by commands or urges from the enemy.  God ALWAYS speaks with a voice of love.   Even caution and correction are never wrapped in condemnation, belittlement, or a temptation toward self-destruction.  NEVER.
Again:  no short cut.   Only by experience – by feeling the successes and by receiving grace for the failures – will you learn to tune your heart more and more clearly to hear the voice of Jesus. 

A heart of peace is usually the best barometer, for Jesus says:
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. 
John 14:27 (NIV)
My sheep recognize my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
John 10:27 (NIV)
Learning to recognize – and OBEY – the voice of the Father is far from child’s play.  
BUT, it is the most important role play we will ever learn.  One day we will realize:  
the game is winding down and we have drawn near enough to touch Him. 
What an ending that will be!
Copyright 2013, K. Fuller Harvey/Knowing God Ministries. All rights reserved.

Author: Tara

  • Such wisdom reflected here! Amen! This game is a terrific way to remember how vital it is that we seek God first before taking our steps … Although we may misstep, if we genuinely seek him with all of our hearts, we won't sin against him. We must listen carefully to our spiritual guts and then have the faith (courage) to either stop, go or maybe just wait!!!
    Love love love your posts Fuller!!! Thank you!!

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