Not Forgetting God’s Faithfulness, Part 2

Today:  Prayer Journal Training, Part 2

Exodus 17:14
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered…” (italics and bold mine)

The Benefit of the Thanksgiving Section:

During the months of July and December (starting Thanksgiving week), I enjoy looking back at what has gone on in my life during that year.  What we’ve done; where we’ve gone and most importantly: the fingerprints of God in my everyday life.  (This is also a great family activity as well.)

I can’t tell you how encouraging this has been during seasons of hardship.  Just as the Israelites forgot God’s faithfulness, I tend to as well.   

This is where we find the benefit of the Thanksgiving Section at the front of your Journal.

Yesterday, we talked about taking time each day during your time with God to record how you saw God work in your life the previous day.  Today, let’s go one step further…

Record it in the Thanksgiving Section:
If what you write in your daily log is a biggie… (Daily log = find the day of the week in the center pages of the Journal.  Write the date… Bullet your blessings from the previous day. See yesterday’s post.)  
In other words, something you want to remember – WRITE IT DOWN in the “Thanksgiving section” at the front of your Journal as well. 
An Example
My son, Will, has been given awesome athletic ability.  Two weeks ago at his basketball game, he threw the ball into the basket from an awkward backwards position!  It was an amazing shot!!!   The crowd went wild.  It was all I could do not to stand and shout, “that’s MY son!” 

Last week one day after school, Will was out front shooting hoops.  When I came outside to talk to him, he said, “Mom, I’ve been practicing that shot from Saturday.  I can’t do it.  I did it 10 times and missed 10 times.  Only God could have helped me make that shot.  That was God – not me.”

As a Mom, who does her best to teach her kids the ways of the Lord, yet often feels like a failure, I can’t tell you how my heart soared when I heard those words.  I feel like I constantly remind Will that any ability we have – is a gift from God – not of ourselves.  For him to have connected the dots – of that supernatural shot – to God giving him the ability to do it – was such a sweet gift to me.  IT HAS BEEN WRITTEN IN MY PRAYER JOURNAL!  Along with the brief snow from yesterday!

(I realize that some of these entries may seem so shallow to many of you.  Please know there are so many deeper, bigger matter’s that I simply cannot share with you.  Those are in my  Journal as well.  In fact, those personal, deep matters that concern the heart and God supernaturally invading – are a must for recording.)

When you take the time to look back at the handiwork of God, recorded in the “Thanksgiving Section” of the Journal – it will encourage you and motivate you to keep keeping on – especially when your circumstances seem dismal.

This past weekend!

Andrea (Planner), me, Scheryl (our hostess with the mostess!), Beverly (Women’s ministry leader) and Autumn

This past weekend, Autumn and I were in Statesville, NC @ Diamond Hill Baptist Church!

We enjoyed a great Italian meal Friday night with Andrea and Beverly.  And spent the night at a woman’s home – whose gift of hospitality – was unlike any I’ve ever seen!  Scheryl, unto the Lord – you gave up your bed and served Autumn and I with such humility and kindness.  We will never forget you and Ron.

Thank you as well to Andrea and Beverly.  We enjoyed coming to Statesville!   I spoke there a few years ago, so thank you for having me again.  What a gift to be invited back!  (Recorded in my Prayer Journal!)  Thank you for your kind words.  Your friendship is unique and special.  Wish we could see you more often.  Love you!

Author: Tara